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Testimonial Evidence
Evidence may be direct or circumstantial include statements made by victims, witnesses, suspect or police those statements may consist of personal observations knowledge or may involve the communication of inf...
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3 augustus 2024
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mptc bridge criminal law exam questions and answ
direct evidence based on personal knowledge or obs
testimonial evidence evidence may be direct or cir
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Je zit nergens aan vast
Direct NNEvidence NN- NNcorrect NNanswersBased NNon NNpersonal NNknowledge NNor
NNobservations NNdirect NNevidence NNis NNtrue NNproves NNa NNfact NNwithout NNthe NNneed NNfor
NNinferences NNare NNpresumptions NNexample NNvideo NNsurveillance NNa NNwitness NNwho NNsaw
NNsuspect NNstrike NNthe NNvictim NNof NNassault NNand NNbattery
Circumstantial NNEvidence NN- NNcorrect NNanswersTestimony NNnot NNbased NNon NNactual
NNpersonal NNknowledge NNor NNobservation NNof NNfacts NNin NNcontroversy NNbut NNhave NNother
NNfacts NNfrom NNwhich NNdeductions NNare NNdrawn NNshowing NNindirectly NNthe NNfacts NNsought
NNto NNbe NNproved NN(black NNdictionary) NNexample NNsuspects NNfingerprints NNat NNscene NNof NNa
NNrobbery NNjury NNcan NNconclude NNthe NNsuspect NNwas NNin NNthe NNstore NNat NNsome NNpoint NNbut
NNprint NNis NNnot NNdirect NNevidence NNthat NNsuspect NNcommitted NNthe NNrobbery
Testimonial NNEvidence NN- NNcorrect NNanswersEvidence NNmay NNbe NNdirect NNor
NNcircumstantial NNinclude NNstatements NNmade NNby NNvictims, NNwitnesses, NNsuspect NNor
NNpolice NNthose NNstatements NNmay NNconsist NNof NNpersonal NNobservations NNknowledge NNor
NNmay NNinvolve NNthe NNcommunication NNof NNinformation NNfrom NNwhich NNone NNmay NNinfer
Exculpatory NNevidence NN- NNcorrect NNanswersRefer NNto NNevidence NNincluding NNstatements
NNwhich NNare NNhelpful NNto NNdefense NNthis NNincludes NNinformation NNthat NNthe NNdefendant
NNstories NNcalls NNinto NNquestion NNimmaterial NNelement NNof NNthe NNcommonwealth NNversion
NNof NNevents NNor NNchallenges NNthe NNcredibility NNof NNa NNwitness NNfor NNthe NNprosecution. NNDue
NNprocess NNof NNlaw NNrequires NNthe NNgovernment NNdisclose NNto NNa NNcriminal NNsuspect
NNfavorable NNevidence NNin NNits NNpossession NNthat NNcould NNmaterially NNaid NNthe NNdefense
NNagainst NNthe NNjudges
relevant NNevidence NN- NNcorrect NNanswersEvidence NNis NNrelevant NNif NNit NNhas NNany
NNtendency NNto NNmake NNa NNfact NNmore NNor NNless NNprobable NNthan NNit NNwould NNbe NNwithout
NNthe NNevidence NNand NNthe NNfact NNis NNof NNconsequence NNin NNdetermining NNthe NNaction
reliable NNevidence NN- NNcorrect NNanswersThe NNvalue NNof NNphysical NNevidence NNis NNdirectly
NNrelated NNto NNa NNreliable NNchain NNof NNcustody NNphysical NNevidence NNthat NNhas NNbeen
NNtampered NNwith NNis NNnot NNreliable NNit NNis NNimportant NNthat NNphysical NNevidence NNpresented
NNin NNcourt NNbe NNin NNsubstantially NNthe NNsame NNcondition NNas NNit NNwas NNwhen NNoriginally
NNseized NNby NNpolice. NNChain NNof NNcustody NNis NNimportant NNa NNreliable NNchain NNof NNcustody
NNshows NNevery NNperson NNwho NNcame NNin NNdirect NNcontact NNwith NNthe NNevidence NNeither
NNthrough NNcollection NNstorage NNor NNanalysis
Chain NNof NNcustody NNshould NNinclude NN- NNcorrect NNanswersDate NNtime NNlocation NNseized,
NNofficer NNwho NNsees NNthe NNevidence, NNall NNdates NNtimes NNevidence NNreceived NNor
, NNtransferred NNto NNanother NNperson, NNnames NNof NNall NNpeople NNwho NNcame NNin NNcontact
NNwith NNevidence NNand NNfull NNdescription NNof NNevidence NNfor NNpositive NNidentification
Physical NNEvidence NN- NNcorrect NNanswersEvidence NNis NNtangible NNcapable NNof NNbeing
NNperceived NNespecially NNby NNsense NNof NNtouch NNand NNmay NNbe NNdirect NNor NNcircumstantial
NNphysical NNevidence NNincludes NNobjects NNproperty NNor NNitems NNseized NNat NNcrime NNscene
NNor NNduring NNsearches
General NNIntent NN- NNcorrect NNanswersWhen NNthe NNoffender NNknowingly NNask NNbut NNdoes
NNnot NNnecessarily NNdesire NNthe NNconsequences NNof NNthe NNact NNgeneral NNintent NNdoes NNnot
NNrequire NNoffender NNto NNknow NNthey NNare NNbreaking NNthe NNlaw
Specific NNIntent NN- NNcorrect NNanswersExist NNwhen NNthe NNoffender NNhas NNa NNpurposeful
NNstate NNof NNmind NNto NNaccomplish NNthe NNprecise NNcriminal NNact NNexample NN(Jimmy)
NNbreaks NNinto NNa NNhouse NNto NNsteal NNjewelry NNJimmy's NNintent NNis NNspecific NNhis NNpurpose
NNfor NNbreaking NNinto NNhouse NNwas NNto NNsteal
Transferred NNIntent NN- NNcorrect NNanswersExist NNwhen NNan NNoffender NNintends NNto NNharm
NNone NNperson NNbut NNends NNup NNharming NNanother NNoffenders NNintent NNto NNharm NNthe NNfirst
NNperson NNis NNtransferred NNto NNthe NNsecond NNperson
Definition NNof NNRelated NNintent NN- NNcorrect NNanswersAccident NN- NNan NNunexpected
NNhappening NNthat NNoccurs NNwithout NNintention NNor NNdesign NNon NNthe NNsubject NNpart NN
Knowingly NNend NNwith NNknowledge NNconsciously NNintelligently NNwillfully NNan NNindividual
NNacts NNknowingly NNwhen NNhe NNacts NNwith NNawareness NNof NNthe NNnature NNof NNhis NNconduct
Malice NNend NNa NNstate NNof NNmind NNof NNcruelty NNhostility NNor NNrevenge
Neglect NN- NNthe NNfailure NNto NNuse NNthat NNdegree NNof NNcare NNwhich NNis NNreasonably NNprudent
NNperson NNwould NNuse NNunder NNthe NNcircumstances NNeither NNby NNdoing NNsomething NNthat
NNis NNreasonably NNprudent NNperson NNwould NNnot NNdo NNor NNby NNfailing NNto NNdo NNsomething
NNthat NNa NNreasonably NNprudent NNperson NNwould NNdo NNunder NNsimilar NNcircumstances
Definition NNof NNrelated NNintent NNcontinued NN- NNcorrect NNanswersReckless NN- NNif NNthey NNknow
NNI NNshould NNhave NNknown NNtheir NNactions NNwere NNlikely NNto NNcause NNsubstantial NNharm NNbut
NNthey NNran NNthe NNrisk NNand NNdid NNso NNanyway
Wonton NNN NNconduct NNthat NNsuspect NNnew NNwould NNcreate NNa NNrisk NNof NNsubstantial
NNdamage NNor NNdestruction NNto NNanother NNproperty NNor NNconduct NNthat NNa NNreasonable
NNperson NNwould NNhave NNrealized NNpose NNa NNrisk NNof NNsubstantial NNdamage NNto NNour
NNdestruction NNof NNanother's NNproperty
Willful NN- NNvoluntary NNknowingly NNdeliberate NNintentional NNpurposeful NNnot NNaccidental NNor