Webcare – Literature
Webcare – Literature..............................................................................................................................1
Week 1 – Lecture 1 (The Why of Webcare)........................................................................................3
Article 1: The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships (Henning-Thurau et al., 2010)....3
Article 2: Users of the world, unite! The challenges and opportunities of Social Media (Kaplan &
Haenlein, 2010)..............................................................................................................................6
Article 3: The customer engagement ecosystem (Maslowska, Malthouse & Collinger, 2016).......8
Additional information from the Lecture:.....................................................................................10
Week 1 – Lecture 2 (The Why of Webcare)......................................................................................10
Article 1: Crisis in the air: An investigation of AirAsia’s crisis-response effectiveness based on
frame alignment (Gerken, Van der Land & Van der Meer, 2016).................................................11
Article 2: Managing Social Media crises with your customers: The good, the bad, and the ugly
(Grégoire, Salle & Tripp, 2015).....................................................................................................13
Article 3: Managing Bad News in Social Media: A Case Study on Domino’s Pizza Crisis (Park, Cha,
Kim & Jeong, 2012).......................................................................................................................16
Week 2 – When to respond?............................................................................................................18
Article 1 – Handling consumer messages on social networking sites: customer service or privacy
infringement? (Demmers, Van Dolen & Weltevreden, 2018).......................................................19
Article 2 – Leaving the home turf: how brands can use webcare on consumer-generated
platforms to increase positive consumer engagement (Schamari & Schaefers, 2015).................21
Article 3 – Online damage control: the effects of proactive versus reactive webcare interventions
in consumer-generated and brand-generated platforms (Van Noort & Willemsen, 2012)..........23
Additional information from the lecture......................................................................................26
Week 3 – What to respond?.............................................................................................................27
Article 1 – Gulping the poison: how webcare attributes reduce damages to brands caused by
negative reviews (Tathagata & Amar, 2018).................................................................................27
Article 2 – Sorry but no sorry: The use and effects of apologies in airline webcare responses to
NeWOM messages of flight passengers (Van Hooijdonk & Liebrecht, submitted).......................30
Article 3 – Webcare as an integrative tool for customer care, reputation management, and
online marketing: a literature review (Van Noort, Willemsen, Kerkhof & Verhoeven, 2014).......32
Week 4 – How to respond? (1).........................................................................................................36
Article 1 – The impact of language style accommodation during social media interactions on
brand trust (Jakic, Wagner & Meyer, 2017)..................................................................................36
Article 2 – Service with emoticons: How customers interpret employee use of emoticons in
online service encounters (Li, Chan & Kim, 2017).........................................................................39
, Article 3 – Manipulations of conversational human voice in organizational online
communication. A systematic literature review (Liebrecht, Tsaousi & Van Hooijdonk, submitted)
Additional information from the lecture......................................................................................42
Week 5 – How to respond? (2).........................................................................................................43
Article 1 – Watch your tone: How a brand’s tone of voice on social media influences consumer
responses (Barcelos, Dantas & Sénécal, 2018).............................................................................43
Article 2 – How to deal with online consumer comments during a crisis? The impact of
personalized organizational responses on organizational reputation (Crijns, Cauberghe, Hudders
& Claeys, 2017).............................................................................................................................45
Article 3 – Humour as a double-edged sword in response to crisis versus rumours: The
effectiveness of humorously framed crisis response messages on social media (Xiao, Cauberghe
& Hudders, 2017)..........................................................................................................................49
Additional information from the lecture......................................................................................52
Week 6..............................................................................................................................................54
Article 1 – Living up to the chatbot hype: The influence of anthropomorphic design cues and
communicative agency framing on conversational agent and company perceptions (Araujo,
Article 2 – Real conversations with artificial intelligence: A comparison between human-human
online conversations and human-chatbot conversations (Hill, Ford & Farreras, 2015)................57
Article 3 – Predicting consumer responses to a chatbot on Facebook (Zarouali, Van den Broek,
Walrave & Poels, 2018)................................................................................................................59
Additional information from the lecture......................................................................................61
,Week 1 – Lecture 1 (The Why of Webcare)
Article 1: The Impact of New Media on Customer Relationships (Henning-
Thurau et al., 2010)
New media offer companies multifarious ways to reach consumers, communicate with them, and
measure their communications, browsing or purchase-related behaviors. These options are also
valuable for customer relationship management.
New media: websites and other digital communication and information channels in which active
consumers engage in behaviors that can be consumed by others both in real time and long
afterwards regardless of their spatial location.
Characteristics of new media:
- Digital: there are no marginal costs for producing extra copies of digital products; individuals
can easily distribute their own creations
- Pro-active: consumers use new media to contribute to all parts of the value chain
- Visible: consumers’ new media activities can be seen by others
- Real-time and memory: can be accessed by consumers at the time they are produced,
allowing consumers to share experiences in real-time
- Ubiquitous: allow consumers to reach other consumers and companies anywhere and
anytime through their mobile devices
- Networks: used to participate in social networks and share content + communicate
Marketing in the era of new media resembles the art of “pinball playing”: today, the flow of
information about a brand has become multidirectional, interconnected, and difficult to predict.
Marketers have lost control over their brands, but now participate in a “conversation” about the
brand. Companies now serve up products, services and messages through traditional channels as
well as new media
Pinball: a conceptual
framework of new
media’s impact on
customer relationships
Online content can be
seen as the ball in the
pinball machine, after
which the ‘play’ starts
Framework = online
Ball = content
Bumpers = other
consumers online news
Flippers = used to try to
save the reputation
, Brand attitudes: an umbrella concept for heavily studied relationship states such as customer
satisfaction, liking, motivations and perceived benefits
New media attitudes: result from gratifications consumers derive from media, being utilitarian,
social, and psychological