/.13-20 % of population pocess extra blood supply to the eye what is it called and what
area does it supply? - short posterior ciliary arteries branch distally from the ophthalmic
artery and supply the choroid.
arteries, an anatomic variant
present in 15%
30% of the population, branch from the short posterior
ciliary artery. These arteries supply the macula in addition to the
choroidal circulation
/.acquired causes of optic atrophy? - •multiple sclerosis
•papilloedema (longstanding)
•raised intraocular pressure (e.g. glaucoma, tumour)
•retinal damage (e.g. choroiditis, retinitis pigmentosa)
•toxins: tobacco amblyopia, quinine, methanol, arsenic, lead
•nutritional: vitamin B1, B2, B6 and B12 deficiency
/.Aetiology of bacterial conjunctivitis? - S.Aureus, Sterp. Pneumo or H.flu
also STIs chlamydia trachromatis, N.gonnorheae
/.Anterior uventis is linked to which infectious diseases? - HSV, SYphilis, TB & varicella
/.Anterior uventis is linked to which non infectious diseases? - -Ankyolising spondilitis,
-behcet syndrom (ulcers eye,mouth & genitals),
-Juvenile arthritis, sarcoidosis (Granulomatous disease),
-seronegative arthropathy
/.Appearance of dendritic ulcer on opthalmoscopy? - - infectious epithelial keratitis (with
characteristic dendritic ulcers)
-neurotrophic keratopathy
-stromal keratitis endotheliitis (classified as disciform, diffuse, or linear)
,/.Benfits of cataract surgery - mproved visual acuity. 85-90% of people will have
6/12 best corrected vision
(This meets the driving requirements in the UK).
However, reading glasses are
usually needed after cataract surgery, and some people may require glasses for
distance vision who did not previously require them
-Improved clarity of vision
- Improved colour vision.
/.can facial nerve palsy cause ectropions? - yes, Acute is consistent with Bell palsy.
Chronic, insidious progressive facial nerve palsy may indicate a mass lesion.
/.can raised ICP cause strabismus - yes, y compressing the nerve that runs between
Clivus & briain stem
/.can the eye cellulitis get? - yes, Infections of the periorbital and orbital tissues range in
severity, from relatively minor to potentially
life-threatening, especially to spread
/.cause of hyphaema ? - Trauma -blunt or penetrating
Sickle cell anaemia
/.Causes of astigmatism? - -Hereditary - corneal or lenticular
-Injuries to the cornea, such as infection that scars the cornea
keratoconus & kertoglobus - causes bulgin, thinner and shape change.
Some conditions of the eyelid
others that affect cornea or lense
/.Causes of Hypopyon - release of toxins and not by the actual invasion of pathogens.
The toxins secreted by the pathogens mediate the outpouring of leukocytes that settle in
the anterior chamber of the eye
/.Causes of PACG - Pupil block is considered to be a key element in its pathogenesis.
•PAC and PACG are different things
-PAC is generally bilateral.
(≥180 degrees ITC = Elevated IOP and/or Peripheral Anterior Synechiae >
Leading to Optic Nerve damage (PACG)
/.Causes of Posterior vitrous detachment? - Synchysis of the vitreous humour, leading
to a break in the Cortical vitreous -causing vitreal fluid to flow through
,/.Causes of sudden occular pain? - Migraine
Optic neuropathy
Corneal pain
Accompanying symptoms are usually decreased visual acuity and reduced colour
vision, and the pain typically is worse with eye movements.
Eye pain that may be caused by optic europathy requires immediate attention by an
ophthalmologist and a neurologist
/.Causes/classification of blephritis? - Staphylococcal blepharitis
Seborrhoeic blepharitis
Meibomian blepharitis - Meibomian gland dysfunction
/.charectoristic of senile cataracts? - -decreased visual acuity
-Myopia or myopic shift
- monocular diplopia - abnormal curvature of corneal surface , created double vision in 1
/.clinical fature of retinal vein occlusion? - With time retinal heamorrhage may decreae
of resolve:
- macular oedema often chronic
-epiretinal membrane may form
-optocilliar shunt vessels
neovascularisation of disc,etc may results in vitreous hemorhage or tractional retinal
/.clinical manifestation of branch retinal artery occlusion ?
and what is seen on PEx - monocular vision loss (restircted to part of visual feild)
<50% with BRAO have imparrire Visual aquity
sectorial patten o retinal opacification
retinal emboli and more frequently seen
/.Clinical manifestations of Of central retinal artery occlusion?
and whaat is seen on PEx? - acute vision loss (painless)
- Visuall aquity of hand motion may be normal
- cheery red macular a pale surroundings
/.CLinical signs of Retinal detachment? - RAPD ( if extensive)
Haemorrhage in vitreus - tobacco dust
, Reduced VA
Cells/ flare in anterior chamber
/.common causes for sudden painless loss of vision? - • ischaemic optic neuropathy
(e.g. temporal arteritis or atherosclerosis)
• occlusion of central retinal vein
• occlusion of central retinal artery
• vitreous haemorrhage
• retinal detachment
/.Common causes of cellultiis (eye) - Staphylococcus, Streptococcus
and Haemophilus species
Seen in children under the age of 10
/.Common causes of contact dermatoconjunctivtis & giant papillary conjunctivitis? -
Commonly reaction to eye drops of contact lenses
/.Complication of orbital cellulitis - cavernous sinus thrombosis as indicated by
neurological signs, visual loss, muscle paresis and papilloedema. Erosion of orbital
bones may result in brain abscess and meningitis.
/.Complications of Herpes zostr opthalmicus? - • ocular: conjunctivitis, keratitis,
episcleritis, anterior uveitis
• ptosis
• post-herpetic neuralgia
/.conditions associated with myopia? - squint- childhood eyes point in diff. directions.
lazy eyechildhood, one eye. doesnt develop properly
glaucoma - IOC pressure.
cataracts - develpoment of cloudy atches inside lense.
Retinal detachment - wherby retina pulls awat from the blood vessel that nourish it
/.conservative treatments in RAO - occular massage increase aques outflow vi schlem
acetazolamid, mannitol reduce iop
nitroglycerines can dialte artery and dislodge clot more distaly and thus preseve more
95% o2/ 5% co2 : vasodilator and improved 02
/.Cuases of Cicatricial entropion? - a result of scarification of the palpebral conjunctiva,
with consequent inward rotation of the eyelid margin.
/.Cuases of congenital Entropion? - may arise due to a number of underlying
developmental abnormalities, usually in the lower eyelid. Facial nerve paralysis in the
pediatric population has been shown to be associated with lower lid entropion