Author: Klik hier als u tekst wilt invoeren.
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Data: 16-6-2024
Product: Qualitative research
Word count: 2990
Qualitative research
“What are the perspectives and experiences of
(physio)therapists regarding the implementation
of virtual reality technology in clinical practice?”
THIM Hogeschool voor Fysiotherapie, Nieuwegein
,Table of Contents
Abstract/Summary ............................................................................................................ 3
1) Introduction .............................................................................................................. 5
2) Method ..................................................................................................................... 7
2.1) Design ...................................................................................................................... 7
2.2) Participants & setting ............................................................................................. 7
2.3) Data collection ....................................................................................................... 8
2.4) Data analysis ........................................................................................................... 8
3) Results ....................................................................................................................... 9
3.1) Theme 1: Therapist Experience and Thoughts ................................................. 10
3.2) Theme 2: Patient Reception and Outcomes ................................................... 11
3.3) Theme 3: Challenges ........................................................................................... 12
3.4) Theme 4: Future of VR in Physiotherapy ............................................................ 14
4) Discussion ............................................................................................................... 15
5) Conclusion ............................................................................................................. 17
Bibliography ..................................................................................................................... 17
Appendices...................................................................................................................... 20
Appendix 1: Topic List.................................................................................................. 20
Appendix 2: COREQ-Checklist .................................................................................. 23
, Assessment form Qualitative research (as part of the scientific portfolio)
Student Emile Jacolino
Reviewer Kevin Engelman Grade 8,4
Date of review 14-9-2024
Conditional and design requirements (all points must be sufficiently assessed for the substantive assessment) Rating (S/I) Feedback
1 The article contains, from introduction to conclusion, a minimum of 2000 and a maximum of 3000 words. This is excluding tables
and figures.
2 The report has the standard structure and format of a scientific paper (summary, introduction, method, results, discussion,
3 In terms of layout, the report meets the requirements (font, line spacing, etc.). s
4 Topic list / interview guide is included as an appendix within the written report. s
5 Transcripts and codingfile (excel or word), peer feedback and completed informed consents have been uploaded as separate
documents in the activity plan.
7 Completed reporting guideline is present in the appendix (eg COREQ, SRQR). s
8 The research proposal has been approved (with a pass mark). s
9 No plagiarism has been committed: no figures/tables/schematics have been copied verbatim + no verbatim text has been copied
or copied.
10 Correct language use
- As much as possible is written reflectively (not from the I-he-we form)
- The sentence structure is sufficiently correct (listing; word order; sentence length). s
- The choice of words (including prepositions) is to-the-point
- There are not too many annoying typos and spelling mistakes"
11 Literature
- Behind every statements is a source
- Sufficient relevant source references are available, taking into account the pyramid of evidence
- The APA style has been correctly implemented in text and bibliography"
Rating Feedback
Substantive assessment
1 Abstract Well done, nice summary of the study
- Brief presentation of the main points in the standard order: problem statement and/or objective-question-method-results and
conclusion (without data or details). 4
- Max. 250 words.
- Abstract is an accurate reflection of the research
2 Introduction Good introduction, nice structure, well written. You could’ve included some more
- The main items of the research question are clearly introduced and described sources to substantiate your introduction. Good that you incorporated several
- It describes what is known in the literature about the main items of the research question. Appropriate scientific literature with qualitative studies to aid your introduction. Research problem is small, but logical
the highest possible level of evidence was chosen to substantiate the relationship between the main items. With the introduction,
the student shows that he has a complete overview of the current state of affairs in the relevant (scientific) literature
- It is described what the scientific uncertainty or clinical uncertainty is related to what is known in the literature. Where possible, 4
this is substantiated from scientific literature
- The problem definition follows logically from the scientific or clinical uncertainty.
- The question is clear and operationalized and is in line with the background and problem and/or objective.
3 Method Sufficient method, although not all COREQ items are described in your method
- The method is as valid and reliable as possible
- The method has been drawn up according to a valid reporting guideline with a corresponding structure
- In the method, choices are (scientifically) substantiated as much as possible (choice for reporting guideline, number of
participants, form of sampling, topic list / interview guide)
- The design and structure of the interview correspond to scientific literature on qualitative research 3
- The description of the research design and selection of participants is correct, complete and clear
- The description of the characteristics of the researcher(s) and the data collection is correctly and clearly worded
- The description of the data analysis is correct with description of the coding process (code tree), complete and clearly worded
with relevant references to attachments
4 Results Well done. I would’ve picked some different themes occasionally, but the content is
- The properties of the participants are presented completely and the themes found clearly described good. However, I would’ve liked to see more connection to results from earlier
- The summary of each theme reflect participants' statements and are illustrated with illuminating quotes published studies. For example, Dejaco wrote: Three main themes were identified,
- The transcripts must show that sufficient depth has been created in the answers of the participants by means of in-depth each divided into subthemes. The main themes were: 1. VR as an extension of
questions and targeted further questions. contemporary physiotherapy care: physiotherapists were positive about the
- The display of the results is clear (e.g. per theme) potential of VR and its applicability in daily care. 2. Physiotherapist uncertainties
3 of future care using VR: participants expressed concerns about their professional
- The research question can be answered based on the results
- The themes follow logically from the transcripts identity, particularly as patients engage in independent home exercises. 3.
Physiotherapist's requirements for implementation of VR: participants shared
their needs for evidence regarding the effectiveness and parameters such as
frequency, dosage and intensity of the VR intervention. It would’ve been
interesting if you asked this to your participants also, for example ‘personal
5 Discussion Well done!
- The question/objective is repeated and briefly answered based on the results
- Results of the study have been fully discussed and compared with recent theories and developments in existing literature
- There is a critical reflection on the study with scientific substantiation where possible. 4
- The report provides an accurate interpretation of the value of the results of the study
- A recommendation is made to the professional practice with regard to the subject of the study
6 Conclusion Good conclusion with a good implication for the practice in the discussion
-Answer to the researchquestion, logically arising from results with the right implications for professional practice 4
Total of points: 36,0
Feedback Grade: 8,4
Dear Emile.
You handed in a very nice report. It was a pleasure reading it. Congratulations with the nice result!
Kind regards,