1/09/23 tot 21/09/23
,H1 Communication – the relational process of creating and interpreting messages that elicit a
Creating messages
- Context
- Relationship between communicators
- Internal motives and goals
Habitual responses are mindless, they drive on cruise control: thank you, no problem, fuck you,
whatever. Only if you become more mindful of the nature and impact of your communication, you
can alter them → consciousness-raising goals
Levels of communication
1. Content level: addressing the topic
2. Relationship level: communication about feelings about each other
Hunch – the way something works (informed and systematic)
Images of theory
- Theories as nets: to capture the grand theory (objective)
- Theories as lenses: a mirror to reflect the world out there, because theories shape our
perception by focussing on some features of communication (interpretive)
- Theories as maps: to help us understand unfamiliar terrain, designed with a purpose, to help
us navigate human relationships
, H2 Objective communication theories assume we Interpretive communication theories
live in a world where we can understand truth assume we live in a world where
through unbiased observation truth is subjective, depending on a
person’s lived experiences
- Schema theory – focusses on mental
constructs that we use to make sense of Own experiences create a lens
topics. For example, you can categorise through which they see the world
individuals by personal traits (student,
smart) → can lead to stereotyping
- Classical conditioning – explains effects of
advertising → it demonstrates how positive
emotions, generated during experience of
viewing an ad, can transfer over to the
product itself and then lead to changes in
behaviour toward the advertised product
Epistemology – the Truth will continue to be true as long as conditions Truth is socially constructed through
study of the origin, remain similar communication – language creates
nature, method and social realities that are viewed from
limits of knowledge a particular point of view
Determinism – the There are forces that shape human behaviour There is a conscious choice made by
assumption that (using: “I had to…” and “I was distracted from individuals (using: “I decided to…”
behaviour is caused studying by the argument at the next table.”) and “I stopped studying to listen to
by heredity (“biology the arguing couple.”)
is destiny”) and No mental reasoning or conscious choice –
environment behaviour is a response to a prior stimulus Using explanatory phrases, because
they attribute a person’s action to
conscious intent
Interest Developing theories that serve universal law, Developing theories that serve as
predicting behaviour across different contexts interpretive guides, providing deeper
insight into specific messages and
Stan Deetz Effectiveness – concerned with successfully Participation – concerned with
(communication communicating information, ideas and meaning increasing the possibility that all
theory has two to others + persuasion points of view will affect collective
priorities) decisions and individuals being open
to new ideas + encourages
differences, opposition and
Metatheory – theory about theory