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Test Bank for Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11th Edition by Marieb, 9780134580999, Covering Chapters 1-29 | Includes Rationales |COMPLETE SOLUTION.€17,78
Test Bank for Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11th Edition by Marieb, 9780134580999, Covering Chapters 1-29 | Includes Rationales |COMPLETE SOLUTION.Test Bank for Human Anatomy and Physiology, 11th Edition by Marieb, 9780134580999, Covering Chapters 1-29 | Includes Rationales |COMPLETE SOLUTION.Test ...
Human Anatomy & Physiology 11th edition Elaine
Marieb Test Bank Chapter 1-29
,MULTIPLE .o CHOICE. . o Choose .othe .o one .o alternative .o that .o best .o completes .o the .o statement .o or .oanswers .o the
.o question.
1) Choose .o the .o following .o statement .o that .o is .o NOT .o completely .o correct .o regarding .oserous .o membranes. 1)
A) Serous .o membranes .o secrete .o a .o watery .o lubricating .o fluid.
B) Serous .o membranes .o are .o divided .ointo .o parietal .o and .o visceral .o membranes .owith
.oa . o virtual .o space .obetween .othe .otwo.
C) Serosa .o are .o very .o thin, .o double-layered .ostructures.
D) Visceral .opericardium .ocovers .othe .oouter .osurface .oof .othe .oheart, .oand .oparietal
.opericardium .olines .othe.ointernal .o walls .oof .o the .oheart.
2) The .o dorsal .obody .o cavity .ois .othe .o site .o of . o which .o of .o the .ofollowing? 2) .o . o .o
A) brain B) .olungs C) .o intestines D) .oliver
3) Select .othe .omost .o correct .o statement. 3) .o . o .o
A) Organ .o systems .o operate .o independently . o of . o each .o other . o to .o maintain .o life.
B) The .o immune .o system .o is .o closely .o associated .o with .othe .o lymphatic .o system.
C) Organ .osystems .o can .obe .ocomposed .o of .o cells .oor .o tissues, .o but .onot .oboth.
D) The .o endocrine .o system .o is .onot .o a .otrue .o structural .o organ .o system.
4) Which .o of .o the .ofollowing .o organs .oor .o structures .owould .o be .ofound .o in .othe .o left .oiliac .o region? 4)
.o . o .o
A) liver B) .o intestines C) .o stomach D) .o appendix
5) Prevention .o of .o water .o loss .ois .oa .o necessary .ofunction .o for .olife .o that .o would .o best .ofit .oin .o the 5) .o .o .o .o
.ocategory .o of
.o .
A) metabolism B) .o responsiveness
C) .o excretion D) . o maintaining .o boundaries
6) .o .o .o .o
6) A .ostructure .othat .ois .ocomposed .o of .otwo .oor .o more .otissue .o types .o that . o work
.otogether .o to .operform .ospecific .ofunctions .o for .o the . o body .o is .o a(n) .
A) organ B) .o complex .o tissue C) . o complex .o cell D) .o organ .o system
7) Which .o of .o the .ofollowing .oimaging . o devices .owould .o best .olocalize .oa .o tumor .o in .o a .o person's .o brain? 7)
A) DSA B) .o MRI C) .o PET D) .o X-ray
8) The .o coxal .o joint .o is .o most .o likely .o found .o in .o the .o _ _ .oregion .o of
.othe .o body. 8) .o . o .o
A) groin B) .o hip C) .o hand D) .o foot
9) Which .o one .o of .o the .o following .o systems .o responds .o fastest .o to .oenvironmental .o stimuli? 9) .o . o .o
A) nervous B) .o immune C) .o lymphatic D) . o muscular
,10) Positive . o feedback . o differs .o from .o negative . o feedback .o because .
10) .o . o .o
A) positive .o feedback .o provides .o moment-to-moment .o wellbeing .o while .o negative
.o feedback .o causes .o a.ocascade .oeffect
B) positive .o feedback .o tends .o to .o enhance .o the .o triggering .o stimulus .o while .o negative
.o feedback .o tends .o to.oreturn .o the .obody .o to .oa .o homeostatic .o balance .o or .o"ideal" .olevel
C) positive . o feedback .o is .o generally .o beneficial . o while .o negative .o feedback .o is .o typically . o harmful
D) positive .ofeedback .ois .ocritical .oto .ohealth .owhile .onegative .ofeedback .oserves .oonly
.oto .oalert .ous .oto.opotential .ohealth .othreats
11) Which .o of .o these .ois .oNOT .o part .oof .o the .o dorsal .ocavity? 11) .o . o .o
A) vertebral . o cavity B) . o thoracic .o cavity C) .o spinal .o cord D) .o cranial .o cavity
12) Homeostasis .o is .othe .o condition . o in . o which .o the .o body . o maintains .
12) .o . o .o
A) a .ostatic .o state .o with .o no .o deviation .o from .o preset .o points
B) the .olowest .o possible .oenergy .o usage
C) a .o relatively .o stable .o internal .o environment, . o within .o limits
D) a .o dynamic .o state .owithin .o an .o unlimited .o range, .o depending .o on .o circumstances
13) Expiration .o (breathing .o out) .ois .o how .o the .o body .o removes .o excessive .ocarbon .o dioxide .ofrom 13) .o . o .o
.othe .o blood. .o This
is .oan .o example .o of .
A) responsiveness B) . o maintaining .o boundaries
C) .o metabolism D) .o excretion .o of .o metabolic .o waste
14) One .o of .o the .ofunctional .o characteristics .o of .o life .ois .oexcitability .o or .o responsiveness. .o This .orefers .o to .
14) .o . o .o
A) the .o necessity .ofor .o all . o organisms .oto .oreproduce
B) the .o nervous .o system .o causing .o all .o living .o things .o to .o sometimes .o experience .o anger
C) indigestible .ofood .o residues .o stimulating .o the .o excretory .o system
D) sensing .o changes .o in .o the .o environment .o and .o then .o reacting .o or .oresponding .o to .o them
15) The .o term .o pollex .o refers .o to .othe .o _ .
15) .o . o .o
A) great . o toe B) .o fingers C) .o thumb D) .ocalf
16) Some .o of .o the .o nerve .o endings .oin .o the .oskin .o are .o sensitive .o to .o changes .oin .otemperature. 16) .o . o .o
.o They .o are .o part .o of .o a
negative .o feedback .o mechanism .o regulating . o body . o temperature. . o These . o nerve . o endings
. o represent . o a(n)
.o in .othe . o negative .o feedback .o mechanism.
A) homeostatic . o balance .o or .o "ideal" . o value B) .o control .ocenter
C) .o receptor D) .o effector
17) The .o thoracic . o cavity .o contains . o the _. .oIt .ois .ofound to .othe .overtebral .o cavity. 17) .o . o .o
A) heart .o and .o lungs; . o anterior B) .o kidneys .oand .o spleen; .o deep
C) . o digestive .o viscera; .oinferior D) . o stomach .oand .o liver; .o superficial
18) Which .o of .o the .ofollowing .o are .o survival .o needs .oof .o the .o body? 18) .o . o .o
A) water, .o atmospheric .o pressure, .o growth, .o and .o movement
B) nutrients, .o water, .o movement, .o and .o reproduction
C) nutrients, . o water, .o atmospheric .o pressure, .o and .o oxygen
D) nutrients, .o water, .o growth, .oand .oreproduction
, 19) When .o a .o baby .o suckles .oat .o its .o mother's .obreast .o the .o stimulus .oat .o the .o breast .ois .osent 19) .o . o .o
. o to .othe .o mother's .obrain .o(a .oregion .ocalled .othe .ohypothalamus). .oThe .obrain .oresponds .oby
.oreleasing .ohormones .oto .ostimulate .othe .oproduction .o and .othe .o ejection .o of .o milk .ofrom .othe
.o breast. .o This .o helps .othe .o newborn .o to .oreceive .o nourishment .oand .o encourages . o more
.o suckling. .o This .o example .ois .o best . o described . o as .o a .
A) positive . o feedback B) .o loss .oof .o homeostasis
C) . o negative .o feedback D) . o necessary .olife .ofunction
20) Which .o of .o the .ofollowing .o statements .ois .o the .o most .o correct .o regarding .o homeostatic .o imbalance? 20)
A) The .o internal .o environment .o is .o becoming .o more .o stable.
B) Negative . o feedback . o mechanisms .o are . o functioning . o normally.
C) Positive .o feedback . o mechanisms . o are . o overwhelmed.
D) It .ois .oconsidered .othe .o cause .o of . o most .odiseases.
21) One .o of .o the .o descriptions .obelow .o is .ofrom .othe .o perspective .o of .o physiological .o study, .othe 21) .o . o .o
.o rest .o are .o from .oan
anatomical .o perspective. .o Select .othe .o description .obelow .o that .o comes .o from .ophysiological
.o perspective.
A) The .o pancreas .olies .o deep .oto .o the .o stomach .o within .othe .o abdominal .o cavity.
B) The .o skull .o is .oformed .o by .o 22 .o facial .o and .o cranial .o bones.
C) The .ochambers .oof .o the .o heart .oand .o blood .o vessels .oleading .o to .oand .o from .o the
.o heart .oare .o separated .o by .ovalves .ocomposed .o of .ofibrous .oconnective .o tissue.
D) The .o contraction .o of .o smooth .o muscle .o in .oblood .ovessels .o(vasoconstriction) .o can
.oreduce .o the .oflow .o of .oblood .othrough .o the .ovessel.
22) .o In .o which .o body .o cavities .o are .o the .olungs 22)
A) . o pleural, .o ventral, .o and .othoracic B) .o mediastinal, .o thoracic, .o and .o ventral
C) . o pericardial, .o ventral, .o and .othoracic D) . o pleural, .odorsal, .o and .o abdominal
23) What .ois .oa .o vertical .o section .o through .o the .o body, .o dividing .oit .ointo .oleft .o and .o right, .o called? 23)
A) transverse B) .o frontal C) .o sagittal D) .o regional
24) You .o are .o told .o to .otake .oan .o axillary .otemperature .o on .o a .o small .o child. .o You .o will .o place 24) .o . o .o
.o the .o thermometer
.o .
A) in .o the .o rectum B) . o on .o the .oforehead
C) .o under .o the .otongue D) .o in .o the .o armpit
25) .o . o .o
25) You .o are .o asked .o to .o draw .o blood .o from .othe .o median .o cubital .o vein. .oYou .o will .o search .ofor
.o this .ovein .oin .o the
.o .
A) lateral .oside .o of .o the .ofoot B) .o hand
C) .o proximal .o arm D) .o anterior .o side .oof .o the .oelbow
26) The .o body .ocavities .o that .o protect .othe .o nervous .o system .o are .olocated .o in .o the cavity.
26) .o . o .o
A) cranial B) .o vertebral C) .o dorsal D) .o ventral E) .o thoracic
27) The .o anatomical . o position . o is .o characterized .o by .o all .o of .o the .o following . o EXCEPT .o _ .
27) .o . o .o
A) thumbs . o pointed . o laterally B) .o body .o erect
C) .o palms .o turned .oposteriorly D) .o arms .oat .o sides
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