Portage Learning PSYC 140 Module 7 Exam
1. Give an overview of the types of Some types of physical changes that oc-
physical changes that occur in cur in early adulthood include a grad-
early adulthood. ual decrease in one's maximum heart
rate, respiratory capacity, and sensitivi-
ty to sound at high frequencies. Some
other changes that occur include lens of
the eye stiffening or becoming thick and
fast-twitch muscles declining in size and
2. What did this Module say about This Module references a general social
differences in sexual behavior survey indicating that married couples in
between married and unmarried the US on average have sexual inter-
couples? course 58 times a year. Based on these
results, the myth about marriage and de-
creased sex is debunked as it indicates
that married couples engage in sex more
frequently than singles or unmarried cou-
3. Reflection question: Were you No, I was not surprised by the information
surprised by the information on on divorce statistics. I was aware that the
divorce statistics? Why or why rates of divorce are high but was shocked
not? by the methods of the inaccurate statis-
tics. However, the section describing how
the likelihood of divorce varies as well as
factors that decrease rates seems very
4. How would you summarize post- Postformal thought is a word utilized by
formal thought? Labouvie-Vief to describe adult thinking.
This thinking is seen to be more relativis-
tic in that the individual sees shades of
gray rather than just simple dichotomies.
It is a concept that works to anwser the
question of "What, if anything, comes af-
ter formal operations".
,Portage Learning PSYC 140 Module 7 Exam
Describe Sternberg's three com- Sternberg's three components of love
ponents of love. are intimacy, passion, and commitment.
Sternberg states that couples can have
loving relationships that are based on just
one of these components but more com-
plete forms of love include two or all three
components. He combined different com-
ponents to define different types of love
and what they consist of.
6. Choose three of the 7 types of Type 6 is considered infatuation. This type
love discussed in this module of love runs off of passion. Kelsey and
and create a profile of a fiction- Ryan are obsessed with each other and
al couple that exemplifies these don't spend a minute apart. They are al-
types of love. ways expressing PDA and are over the
moon about their new partners.
Type 1 is considered consummate love
and runs off of intimacy, passion, and
commitment. Tanner and Marie have
been dating for several years. They
moved in with each other and are now
engaged. They are happy, in love, have a
good sex life, and are committed to taking
the next steps in life together.
Type 3 is considered companionate love.
This type of love runs off of intimacy and
commitment. Richie and Heather have
been married for 35 years. They have
three kids and a stable successful life. As
they are both aging their passion has de-
clined but the love is warm, comfortable,
and trusting.
7. How would you summarize the Couples who experience factors that in-
information on the likelihood of crease strain on the relationship are more
couples divorcing? likely to get a divorce vs couples who
have low life strain. These factors include
, Portage Learning PSYC 140 Module 7 Exam
money, children, religion, education, and
family background.
8. Identify common symptoms of Common symptoms of menopause in-
menopause. clude mood fluctuations, hot flashes,
shrinking of reproductive organs, difficulty
becoming sexually aroused, decreased
skin elasticity, loss of bone mass, raised
blood pressure, etc.
9. Why don't all women experience Women experience symptoms of
symptoms of menopause? menopause in a great variety. Some
women have difficulties with menopausal
symptoms, while others barely notice
them. Differences in diet, ethnic back-
ground, environment, cultural beliefs, and
genetics may all play key roles in a
women's experience with symptoms of
10. What are the pros and cons of The pros of hormone therapy include
hormone therapy? treating hot flashes and vaginal discom-
fort, preventing bone loss,
reducing fractures in post-menopausal
women, and many more. Overall, hor-
mone therapy promotes a greater quality
of life and improves one's psychological
The cons of hormone therapy include an
increased risk for heart disease, stroke,
blood clots, and breast cancer. The sever-
ity of the risk is dependent on the type
of hormone therapy, the dose given, the
length of medication is taken, individual
health risks, as well as family health histo-
ry. This is why it is important that a physi-
cian tailor hormone therapy specifically to
each patient. Patients should be reevalu-
ated every so often to ensure the benefits