Samenvatting HSO20806 week 1
College 1 9 januari
Gedrag is niet de enige determinant van gezondheid, maar wel één van de belangrijkste!
Psychologie is een wetenschap waarbij zowel het gedrag van mensen wordt bestudeerd als de
gevoelens en gedachten die mensen hebben bij het ervaren van hun gedrag en de omstandigheden
waarin dat plaatsvindt.
• Doel: gedrag te verklaren en van daaruit te voorspellen en beïnvloeden
• Psychologie richt zich op het individu
• Verschilt van sociologie dat zich op (structuren en interacties in) de samenleving richt
Disciplines binnen psychologie: klinische psychologie, ontwikkelingspsychologie, cognitieve
psychologie, neuropsychologie, sociale psychologie, arbeids- en organisatiepsychologie,
Gezondheidspsychologie met name voortgekomen uit sociale psychologie en klinische psychologie.
Vanaf 1970 meer chronische ziekten à vraag naar experts à preventie:
• Primaire preventie: voorkomen van ziekten
• Secundaire preventie: vroege opsporing van ziekten (screening)
• Tertiaire preventie: zorgen dat ziekten niet verergeren (bij chronisch zieken)
“The contribution of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and
treatment of illness, the identification of the etiologic and diagnostic correlates of health, illness, and
related dysfunction” (Matarazzo, 1980)
• Ontstaan eind jaren ’70
• Twee hoofdstromingen:
o Behavioural health psychology: gericht op gezondheidsgedrag £(leefstijl)
o Clinical health psychology: gericht op omgaan met ziekte
Model: een vereenvoudigde weergave van de werkelijkheid
Theorie: een beschrijving van een aantal samenhangende verschijnselen. De theorie verklaart hoe de
verschijnselen samenhangen en voorspelt hoe zij veranderen als de omstandigheden worden
gevarieerd. Een wetenschappelijke theorie is onderzoekbaar.
• Empirische cyclus: waarneming → hypothese → toetsbare voorspelling →
experiment/waarneming → verificatie/falsificatie → theorie
Concept: een abstract iets dat wordt beschreven in een theorie (bijv. attitude, identiteit, coping).
, Artikel Vinck
Health psychology: the aggregate of the special educational, scientific, and professional contributions
of the discipline of psychology to the promotion and maintenance of health, the prevention and
treatment of illness, the identification of the etiologic and diagnostic correlates of health, illness and
related dysfunction.
AND (APA); the analysis and improvement of the health care system and health policy formation.
Health psychology is focussed particularly on individual, personal and interpersonal processes
contributing to individual health, drawing broadly from the social and behavioural sciences.
Health psychology makes an important contribution to the practice of public health at three different
1. At a theoretical and conceptual level
a. It contributes to our understanding of health and illness
i. By proposing and studying quality of life as an important objective of efforts to
improve health, by reinforcing a more positive view of health and by
examining possible negative effects of healthcare
b. It also expands our understanding of determinants of health and illness
c. It assists with the elaboration of models for understanding behaviour and behavioural
d. It expands our knowledge of health behaviour by exploring new aspects of health-
related behaviour
2. At the level of application and interventions
a. Knowledge of health psychology can be used to guide efforts at changing behaviour
3. Health psychology can contribute to the promotion of health and prevention of disease by the
development and application of methodological and analytic standards that have been
inherited from the associated fields of statistics, general methodology and test theory, which
can also be used to complement more traditional epidemiological methods
The emergence and broadening of the fields of health psychology, behavioural health and behavioural
medicine have helped to develop and strengthen the psychological underpinnings of disease
prevention and health promotion with a specific focus on key health behaviours.
It also has helped to generate many of the theories and models that have provided an important link
between understanding the modifiable determinants of disease and health, and development,
implementation and evaluation strategies for disease prevention and health promotion.
For the future of health psychology:
1. Health psychology should expand its scope to include a much stronger population perspective
a. The main scope of HP has been restricted largely to the individual and small group
levels, and this is unfortunate à think about prevention in big risk groups or health
promotion, the target here is the whole population
2. Health psychologists have to learn to use a broader range of interventions, drawing on
determinants of behaviour at multiple levels
a. Recently, there is a strong tendency to rely primarily on health education interventions
based on social-cognitive models, with much less attention for other very relevant
factors (environment)
b. Behaviour cannot be understood when it is isolated from the context in which it is
enacted; there is a need for a more ecological approach to behaviour
3. Health psychologists should turn to new target populations and adapt to working in complex
a. Health promotion professionals largely stop working directly with the ultimate target
population, and instead work with systems and with those having control over the
environmental determinants of the target population’s behaviour
Boek Morrison hoofdstuk 1
Theory: a general belief or beliefs about some aspects of the world we live in or those in it, which may
or may not be supported by evidence.
Biomedical model: a view that diseases and symptoms have an underlying physiological explanation.