Warfarin - extrinsic pathway, inhibit synthesis of vit k, not in pregnancy
Heparin - intrinsic pathway, activate antithrombin, used in pregnancy also
advil side effect - renal problem, not before and after surgery (anti platelet, so bleeding)
hypertensive urgency vs hypertensive emergency - emergency: end organ damage
(kidney, bleeding, brain, pupil edema , EKG)
Urgency: headache, chest pain, no end organ damage)
confirm prostate cancer with ... - biopsy, not PSA
nerves related with eye movement - 3, 4, 6 so (superior oblique:4), lr (lateral rectus:6),
3 others
Brudzinski's Test - for meningitis, Severe neck stiffness causes a patient's hips and
knees to flex when the neck is flexed.
addison's sxs - dark pigmented skin, fatigue
cause of addison's - def. of adrenal's hormones
conn's syndrom - excessive aldestrone due to adrenal tumor
kernig's sx - positive when the thigh is flexed at the hip and knee at 90 degree angles,
and subsequent extension in the knee is painful (leading to resistance). meningitis test
risk factor of COPD - smoking
copd - emphysema, chronic bronchitis
obstructive pulmonary disease vs restrictive pulmonary disease - obstructive like
asthma, restrctive like sarcoidosis
,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - not asthma
uterine bleeding post menopause - cancer
most risk factor for osteoporosis - smoking
smoking risk factor for - COPD, AAA, osteoprosis, htn,
atrovastatin side effect - myalgia
HMG coA reuctase inhibitor side effect - myalgia
HMG coA reuctase inhibitors - statins
fish oil - decrease triglyciride not ldl
how to increase hdl - exercise
when BP falls, kidney release .. - renin
menorrhagia vs metrohagia - menorhagia: excessive menstruation can cause iron def
metrohagia: irregular, frequent bleeding
sob on supine, edema of legs, fatigue - CHF
DVT can cause - PE
medication for high chlostrol - statins
muscle injury evaluated by ... - MRI
MRI for - soft tissues: spine, brain, joint
excessive licorice increase urinary excretion of - potasium
pre eclampsia+ seizure - eclampsa
tongue , what nerve - 12, hyopglossal for control (move) tongue
taste 7 for 2/3
9 for post 1/3
conductive hearing loss vs sensory hearing loss - conductive: cerumen
sensory: presbycusis
,most common site of epistaxis - ant
epistaxis ant vs post - ant visible
post not visible
most common cause of nose bleeding - external trauma (nose picking)
kisselback's plexus
epistaxis tx - nasal packing\
silver nitrate (burning)
flat, less than 0.5 cm diameter -
flat n- n nmacul n
elevated, npalpable n- n npapul
elevated, nfluid nfilled n- n nvesicle
macul nvs npatch nin nsize n- n nmacul nless nthan n0.5 ncm
patch nmore nthan n0.5 ncm
papuls nvs nplaque nsize n- n npapul nless nthan n0.5
plaque nmore nthan n پ الکn ط الnب زرگ ه
vesicle nvs nbuallae nsize n- n nvesicle nless nthan n0.5
psoriasis n- n nsilvery nscaly, nextensors, nartritis
extensor nsurface nvs nflexor nsurface n- n nextensor n(psoriasis) nvs nflexor n(atopic
detox nfor nacetaminophen n- n nNAC n(N nacetyl ncystein)
kayser nfleischer nring n- n nwilson n(copper noverload)
bronze npigmentation n- n nadison's n
systemic nlupus n(SLE) n- n nbutterfly nrash, nartritis, nANA n+
, RA nor nOA n- n nrhumatoid narthritis nvs nosteoarthritis
morning nstifness n: nRA:60 nmin nOA: n<30 nmin
RA n:autoimmune, nsymmetry
gout n- n nuric nacid
meat, nalcohol
wernicke nvs nkorsakof nsyndrom n- n nwernicke nreversible
korsakof nirreversible
wernike nkorsakof ndue nto n- n nvit nb1 n(thiamin ndef)
due nto nalcohol nabuse n
medical nemergency
tx: nthiamin
wernike nencephalopathy n- n nataxia, nconfusion, nOphthalmoplegia( nparalysis nor nweakness
nof nthe neye nmuscles)
korsakof npsychosis n(amnesia) n- n nconfabulation, nimpaired nshort nterm nmemory
nerve n1 n- n nolfactory n(smell) nsensory
nerve n12 n- n ntongue n(hypoglossal), nmovement
nerve n2 n- n noptic, nsensory
3, n4, n6 n- n npure nmotor
oculumotor n- n n3
trochlear n- n nnerve n4
nerve n5 nhow nmany nbranches n
nerve n7 nhow nmany nbranches n- n n5 n3 nbranches
7 n5 nbranches
abducent n- n n6
oculomotor n- n n3
vestibulocochlear n- n n8
semicircular ncanals+cochlear n- n nsemicircuar nfor nbalance
cochlear nfor nhearing
both nare nsensory