Chapter 4 Buying Behavior
Black box model: input (stimuli) -> Black box -> output (consumer behavior)
Website, advertisement-> decision making process-> purchase
4.1 purchase decision process
Five stage process
Problem recognition: consumer experience a need, want or problem -> initiated by
marketing efforts (advertisement, websites...)-> stimuli-> manifestation of needs, wants
You want a new car because your neighbor got a new one.
Information gathering: internal search(scan of memory, what he already knows about the
product)-> not successful-> external search ( consumer wants to know the price, availability,
1. Personal sources: getting information from family members, friends colleagues
2. Public sources: information issued by government, magazines, and product tests.
3. Commercial sources: advertisements, labels, advice, displays, websites
4. Experiential sources: own experience, handling or actually using the product
Alternative evaluation: choice criteria-> evoked set (decision between brands) -> set them
into particular order -> identify products features or attributes-> determine importance of
each criteria in specific situation.
Consumer rarely develop a formal criteria list, ranked in order of importance
Marketer’s task is to determine which criteria the consumer will use in a purchase
Purchase decision: whether or not to buy-> buying intention-> situational influences
(physical, social, financial surroundings) -> if not available in this shop, go to another shop, or
consider the second choice.
Post purchase evaluation: consumer decides whether product lifts up its expectations.
Marketer needs to determine whether customer is satisfied or not-> call center->
consumers call for question or complains-> note down what is on consumers mind->
trying to adapt it to product
Cognitive dissonance: unpleasant feeling of doubt after purchasing a product, regret his brand choice
, 4.2 Types of orientation and buying behavior
4.2.1 Extensive problem solving
- Isn’t familiar with the product-> Consumer wants to find as much information as
possible-> high consumer involvement-> explore the whole market to meet his criteria
choice (evoked set) .> purchases a great risk-> expensive product (house, new kitchen,
car…) -> helps to express consumer’s self-image/concept
4.2.2 Limited problem solving
- Has some experience -> spending limited time on researching -> applied to frequently
purchased products -> does not have to go through all steps -> getting information
about unknown brands from friends or internet
Marketer’s task: meet the need for information and create or enhance confidence in the
4.2.3 Routine problem solving
- Experience throughout routine buying -> no longer needs to think about the purchase ->
impulse purchase-> low involvement
Marketer’s task: to ensure that products keep the customer satisfied
4.3 Impact of personal circumstances
Influences on consumer’s buying behavior involve personal circumstances, physiological factors and
social factors.
Demographic characteristics: buying process is influenced by age, gender, race, material status,
income, education, religion, family size
Lifestyle: characterized by activities (how spend time and money), interests (what is important)
opinions (what they think of themselves and the world around) -> AIO variables
- Someone’s lifestyle influences needs and wants and buying behavior