,1. Exploring strategic change: an introduction
1.1 Introduction
Four views of the process of strategic management
1. strategy can, and indeed should, be designed implementation by top management, new
strategies down through the organization via detailed planning
2. strategic management is more of a negotiated process, subject to both managerial and cultural
3. new ideas new strategies. These ideas exist because of the diversity in the organization.
4. The language of the strategy and strategists can be seen as constraints the potential for
organizational change and renewal is a struggle between the diversity of ideas and cultural and
political inertia, which may also be captured in the language of the organization
Exploring strategic change
- Change management as a task
- Organizational culture as a central importance
- Change is about people change requires investment in terms of managerial time and energy, as
well as financial investment
Succesfull change requires the development of a context sensitive approach
1.2 The nature of organizational change
Two schools of thought about how change occurs in organisations
1. change is continuous, with organizations transforming on an on-going basis to keep pace with
their changing environment
2. change is a process of punctuated equilibrium periods of adaptive and convergent change are
interspersed by shorter periods of revolutionary change
a. convergent change: adaptation within the existing way of doing thins
b. revolutionary change: change in strategy, structure, systems and culture leading to a
different way of operating
Both models are right, but apply to different types of organization and maybe different stages of an
organisation’s life-cycle.
1. Industries, competitive market and new technologies (high change)
2. Industries, less competitive market, less frequently changing conditions
This book focus on
- intentional, planned change.
- It isn’t organisations but people that change for an organization to change, the people within it
must change
1.3 Context-specific change
Change needs to be context specific the design and management of any change process should be
dependent on the specific situation or context of each organization.
VB: different cases
,1.4 Managerial skills for the change agent – analysis, judgement and action
Change-agent = changer
Important to have to following skills
- Analytical abilities (managerial) to be ablo to dig deep into an organization, to understand its
culture/motivations of its staff
- Judgemental skills (managerial) which are the most critical features of the change context
- Implementation skills (managerial) which interventions to make in a change situation and in
what order to apply them
- Self-awareness (personal) the capacity to understand one’s own prejudices, preferences and
Objective: rational, logical, analytical, facts, data, hard, quantitative
Subjective: intuitive, experience, moral, feelings, emotions, soft, quantitative
A good change agent belongs to be objective
The way you are oriented results in different ways to think about change. An objective manager would
feel more comfortable in a more direct change plan, including high involvement from all levels of the
1.5 The transition state: designing context – sensitive approaches to change
Drie stadia van change
1. current state
a. belangrijk input en begrip te hebben van de concurrentie positie van de organisatie
b. de noodzaak van de organisatie moet begrepen worden begrijpen van de interne
c. ontwikkeling van idee over de toekomst
2. transition state
a. proces van verandering wordt uitgevoerd
b. pas wanneer
i. huidige organisatie status begrepen is
ii. toekomstige staat organisatie gespecificeerd
3. Future state
Analyse interne en externe context van de organisatie
- Doel
o Begrip krijgen huidige staat organisatie
o Waarom de verandering nodig is
- Verder belangrijk om te weten
o De inhoud van de verandering
o Wat er veranderd moet worden
o Analyse van de toekomstige staat
Change agent moet dus een analyse van de veranderingscontext uitvoeren: wat zijn de meest
kritische kenmerken van de huidige veranderingssituatie?
o Hierna: nodige ontwerp keuzes maken
, De veranderingskaleidoscoop
- Een diagnostische framewerk wat helpt bij het proces van het maken van ontwerpkeuzes
- Bestaat uit drie ringen (buiten naar binnen)
o Organizational change context
Komt voort uit analyse waarom de organisatie moet veranderen en waarin het
moet veranderen
o Kenmerken van de veranderingscontext (readiness, power, time etc)
Aspecten van de organisatie die change agents moeten bekijken/overwegen voor
ze de veranderingsaanpak selecteren (uit organisationele context)
o Design choices voor change agents
Bereik met keuzes waaruit change agents moeten kiezen om een passende
veranderingsaanpak te selecteren