Topic 1 – brand management.........................................................................3
Keller, Kevin lane (1993) - conceptualizing, measuring, and managing customer-based
brand equity (1-22)......................................................................................................... 3
Campbell, margeret c. and linda l. price (2021) – three themes for the future of brands
in a changing consumer marketplace.............................................................................6
topic 2 – brand identity..................................................................................8
Da silveira, catherine, carmen lages and claudia simoes (2013) – reconceptualizing
brand identity in a dynamic environment.......................................................................8
pecot, fabien, gregory rose, altaf merchant and sunmee choi (2022) – brand heritage
across cultures: u.s.a., France and south korea............................................................10
topic 3 – brand strategy...............................................................................12
Mathur, pragya, malika malika, nidhi agrawal and durairaj maheswaran (2023) – the
context (in)dependence of low-fit brand extensions.....................................................12
biraglia, alessandro, christoph fuchs, elisa maira and stefano puntoni (2023) – when
and why consumers react negatively to brand acquisitions: a values authenticity
account......................................................................................................................... 13
topic 4 – brand image...................................................................................14
paulo the lencastre, joana césar machado and patricio cost (2023) – the effect of brand
names and logos’ figurativeness on memory: an experimental approach....................14
kim y. & srivastava j. (2024) – the ‘achilles heel’ os established brand: the effect of
brand age on consumers’ brand choice........................................................................16
topic 5 – brand methods...............................................................................18
miriam alzate, marta arce-urriza and javier cebollada (2022) – mining the text of online
consumer reviews to analyze brand image and brand positioning...............................18
dzyabura, daria and renana peres (2021) – visual elicitation of brand perceptions......20
topic 6 – brand framework............................................................................22
kathleen desveaud, timo mandler and martin eisen (2024) – a meta-model of customer
brand loyalty and its antecedents.................................................................................22
khamitov, mansur, xin wang and matthes thomson (2019) – how well do consumer-
brand relationships drive customer brand loyalty? generalizations from a meta-analysis
of brand relationship elasticities...................................................................................24
A detailed framework is developed to understand how brand equity affects consumer
behavior and how companies can leverage this understanding for strategic advantages.
It introduces Customer-Based Brand Equity (CBBE) as a measure of the impact brand
knowledge has on consumer responses to marketing. CBBE is structured around two
main components: brand awareness and brand image. Brand awareness involves recall
and recognition, while brand image includes perceptions and associations linked to a
Building and measuring CBBE
To build strong CBBE, the emphasis is placed on creating high brand awareness
(achieved through consistent communication and strategic placement), developing a
positive brand image (established by ensuring associations are strong, favorable, and
unique), consistency in communication (all marketing messages should reinforce the
intended brand image and values) and on creating memorable brand experiences
(positive experiences increase the likelihood of repeat purchases and favorable
recommendations). Brand awareness reflects the strength of a brand’s presence in the
consumer’s mind. Sub-components of brand awareness are brand recall (the ability to
remember a brand when given a product category) and brand recognition (the ability to
identify a brand when presented as a cue (e.g. logo or name). High brand awareness
increases the likelihood of the brand being considered in purchasing decisions, especially
in low-involvement product categories. Several strategies to build brand equity are
outlined, such as ensuring consistent brand communication, creating memorable
experiences, and aligning marketing activities with desired consumer perceptions.
Brand image is the set of associations linked to a brand in consumer memory. There are
several types of association, including:
- Attributes: product-related (features, quality) or non-product related (price,
- Benefits: functional (utility), experiential (sensory or emotional), and symbolic
- Brand attitudes: overall evaluations and perceptions formed by these association.
A strong brand image differentiates a brand from competitors and creates a distinct
value proposition.
For measuring CBBE, using a combination of direct methods (e.g. consumer responses to
price changes) and indirect methods (e.g. brand association surveys, understanding
brand awareness and consumer attitudes through qualitative methods) is proposed. This
approach allows companies to assess how brand knowledge influences consumer
behavior in various scenarios.
Managing brand equity
Managing CBBE involves ongoing reinforcement of brand meaning through consistency in
marketing and communication, as well as adapting strategies over time. Suggested is