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Autism 1st exam questions and answers

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  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
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  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism 1st exam questions and answers

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  • 17 oktober 2024
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  • Tentamen (uitwerkingen)
  • Vragen en antwoorden
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
Autism 1st exam questions and answers

What iiis iithe iicurrent iiprevalence iiof iiASD iiin iithe iiUSA? ii- iiAnswers ii-1 iiin ii59

When iidiagnosing iiASD, iihow iimany iiof iithe ii3 iisocial iicommunication iideficits iineed iito
iibe iimanifested? ii- iiAnswers ii-All ii3 ii- iisocial-emotional iireciprocity, iinonverbal
iibehaviors, ii& iideveloping- iimaintaining iirelationships

Which iiof iithe ii3 iifunctional iilevels iiof iiASD iiis iiidentified iias iithe iimost iisevere? ii-
iiAnswers ii-Level ii3"Requiring iivery iisubstantial iisupport"

DSM-5-TR: iiLevel ii3 iiASDRequiring iiVery iiSubstantial iiSupport ii- iiAnswers ii--Social
iicommunication-Severe iideficits iiin iiverbal iiand iinonverbal iisocial iicommunication iiskills
iicause iisevere iiimpairments iiin iifunctioning, iivery iilimited iiinitiation iiof iisocial
iiinteractions, iiand iiminimal iiresponse iito iisocial iiovertures iifrom iiothers. iiFor iiexample, iia
iiperson iiwith iifew iiwords iiof iiintelligible iispeech iiwho iirarely iiinitiates iiinteraction iiand,
iiwhen iihe iior iishe iidoes, iimakes iiunusual iiapproaches iito iimeet iineeds iionly iiand
iiresponds iito iionly iivery iidirect iisocial iiapproaches

-Restricted, iirepetitive iibehaviors-
Inflexibility iiof iibehavior, iiextreme iidifficulty iicoping iiwith iichange, iior iiother
iirestricted/repetitive iibehaviors iimarkedly iiinterfere iiwith iifunctioning iiin iiall iispheres.
iiGreat iidistress/difficulty iichanging iifocus iior iiaction.

What iistate iiin iithe iiUSA iihas iithe iihighest iiALD iiprevalance? ii- iiAnswers ii-California

Name iia iicharacteristic iiof iiASD iiLevel ii1. ii- iiAnswers ii-Decreased iiinterest iiin iisocial
iiinteractions, iiable iito iispeak iiin iisentences iibut iidifficulties iiin iiconversation

DSM-5-TR: iiLevel ii1 iiASDRequiring iiSupport ii(Highest iiFunctioning) ii- iiAnswers ii-
•Without iisupports iiin iiplace, iideficits iiin iisocial iicommunication iicause iinoticeable
iiimpairments. iiDifficulty iiinitiating iisocial iiinteractions, iiand iiclear iiexamples iiof iiatypical
iior iiunsuccessful iiresponse iito iisocial iiovertures iiof iiothers. iiMay iiappear iito iihave
iidecreased iiinterest iiin iisocial iiinteractions. iiFor iiexample, iia iiperson iiwho iiis iiable iito
iispeak iiin iifull iisentences iiand iiengages iiin iicommunication iibut iiwho's iito-and-fro
iiconversation iiwith iiothers iifails, iiand iiwhose iiattempts iito iimake iifriends iiare iiodd ii&
iitypically iiunsuccessful.

-Inflexibility iiof iibehavior iicauses iisignificant iiinterference iiwith iifunctioning iiin iione iior
iimore iicontexts. iiDifficulty iiswitching iibetween iiactivities. iiProblems iiof iiorganization iiand
iiplanning iihamper iiindependence.

,What iitype iiof iidisorder iiis iiautism? ii- iiAnswers ii-neurodevelopmental

What iiare ii4 iiareas iiof iirestricted, iirepetitive iibehaviors ii& iiinterests? ii- iiAnswers ii-Motor
iimovements, iiinflexible iiroutines, iirestricted iiinterests, ii& iisensory iiissues

Restricted, iirepetitive iipatterns iiof iibehavior, iiinterests, iior iiactivities iias iimanifested iiby
iiat iileast iitwo iiof iithe iifollowing ii(currently iior iiby iihistory): ii- iiAnswers ii-1.Stereotyped iior
iirepetitive iimotor iimovements, iiuse iiof iiobjects, iior iispeech; ii(e.g., iisimple iimotor
iistereotypies, iilining iiup iitoys iior iiflipping iiobjects, iiecholalia, iior iiidiosyncratic iiphrases).

2. iiInsistence iion iisameness, iiinflexible iiadherence iito iiroutines, iior iiritualized iipatterns
iiof iiverbal iior iinonverbal iibehavior ii(e.g., iiextreme iidistress iiat iismall iichanges,
iidifficulties iiwith iitransition, iirigid iithinking iipatterns, iigreeting iirituals, iineed iito iitake
iisame iiroute iior iieat iisame iifood iievery iiday).

3. iiHighly iirestricted, iifixated iiinterests iithat iiare iiabnormal iiin iiintensity iior iifocus; ii(e.g.,
iistrong iiattachment iito iior iipreoccupation iiwith iiunusual iiobjects, iiexcessively
iicircumscribed iior iiperseverative iiinterests).

4. iiHyper-or iihyporeactivity iito iisensory iiinput iior iiunusual iiinterest iiin iisensory iiaspects
iiof iithe iienvironment; ii(e.g., iiapparent iiindifference iito iipain/temperature, iiadverse
iiresponse iito iispecific iisounds iior iitextures, iiexcessive iismelling iior iitouching iiof iiobjects,
iifascination iiwith iilights iior iimovement).

Name ii2 iiearly iisigns iiof iiautism iiin iiinfants. ii- iiAnswers ii-Seldom iieye iicontact, iilack iiof
iiresponse iito iiname, iinot iilooking iiwhen iipointing, iino iiinteractive iibabbling

Early iiSigns iiof iiAutism iiin iiInfants ii- iiAnswers ii-•Very iiminimal iior iino iismiling ii(first
iimonths iiof iilife)
•Seldom iimakes iieye iicontact ii(2-4 iimos.)
•Lack iiof iiresponse iito iicalling iitheir iiname ii(>3x iiat ii8-10 iimos.)
•Doesn't iiturn iior iilook iiwhen iiyou iipoint iior iiask iichild iito iilook iiat iisomething ii(10-12
•Doesn't iipoint iiat iiobjects iior iipeople ii(12-14 iimos.) iior iiexplore iisurroundings iiwith
•Doesn't iiengage iiin iiback-forth iibabbling ii(starting ii6 iimos.)
•Demonstrates iiunusual iimotions iisuch iias iihand iiflapping, iispinning, iirocking
•No iiwords ii(symbolic iicommunication) ii(by ii16 iimos.)
•Plays iiwith iitoys iiin iiodd iior iirepetitive iiways

Name ii2 iithings iithat iilead iito iia iibetter iiprognosis iiwith iiASD. ii- iiAnswers ii-Higher iiIQ,
iispeaking iiby ii5 iiyears iiold, iiresponding iito iiname, iino iiecholalia

Better iiprognosis iiwith iiASD iiif... ii- iiAnswers ii-•Has iihigher iiIQ ii(intelligence iiquotient ii/
iihigher iicognitive iiabilities)
•Responds iito iiown iiname iiwhen iicalled

, •Speaks iiby ii5 iiyears iiold
Does iinot iihave iiecholalia

Name ii4 iithings iithat iimake iia iichild iimore iisusceptible iito iihaving iiASD? ii- iiAnswers ii-
Toxic iienvironmental iiexposure, iigenetics, iipsychosocial iistressors, iiolder iiparents

What iiare iiSome iiSuspected iiCauses iiof iiASD? ii- iiAnswers ii-•Older iiage iiof iiparents
•Toxins iiin iienvironment ii(pesticides, iiheavy iimetals, iichemicals iifound iiin iiplastic, iicat
iilitter, iietc.)
•Waiting iiless iithan iione iiyear iibetween iipregnancies
•Pharmaceuticals ii(to iistop iilabor, iicontrol iiseizures, iistabilize iimood, iietc.)
•Immediate iiclamping iiof iiumbilical iicord ii(ICC)
•Super iivaccines ii(long iidiscredited iiand iigenerally iirefuted iiby iimedical iiprofessionals)
•Exposure iito iigeneral iianesthesia ii(early iiin iilife)
•Genetic iimutations
•Recessive iigenes ii- ii80% ii(two iiidentical iimutations iithat iicompletely iidisrupt iigene
iifunction iior iibroken iicopies iiof iithe iisame iigene ii- iione iifrom iieach iiparent)
-Autoantibodies iifound iiin iimother's iiblood iiduring iipregnancy iithat iiinterfere iiwith iithe
iifetus' iibrain iiprotein(research iifrom iiUC-Davis iiMIND iiInstitute)

What iiare iithe ii3 iiprimary iiareas iiof iiimpairment iiin iiASD? ii- iiAnswers ii-Language, iisocial
iiinteraction, ii
& iistereotyped iibehavior
ii& iirestricted iiinterests.

12. iiName ii3 iiassociated iiproblems iithat iimay iioccur iifor iia iichild iiwith iiASD ii- iiAnswers ii-
Intellectual iidisability, iiself-injurious iibehaviors, iiADHD, iiGI iidisorders, iiseizures,

Associated iiChallenges iiwith iiALD ii- iiAnswers ii-•About ii30% iiof iichildren iiwith iiASD
iihave iian iiintellectual iidisability ii(IQ ii<70) iiand iianother ii25% iiare iiin iithe iiborderline
iirange ii(IQ ii71-85).
•About ii28% iiof ii8-year-olds iiwith iiASD iihave iiself-injurious iibehaviors.
•About ii30-60% iiwith iiASD iialso iihave iiADHD.
•Children iiwith iiASD iiare ii8 iitimes iimore iilikely iito iisuffer iifrom iichronic iigastrointestinal
•As iimany iias ii33% iiof iichildren iialso iihave iia iiseizure iidisorder.
•Schizophrenia iiaffects iibetween ii4% iiand ii35% iiof iiadults iiwith iiASD ii(1.1% iiin iigeneral

I iitouch iia iihot iistove iiand iiget iiburned. iiIn iithe iifuture, iiI iinever iitouch iithe iihot iistove. ii-
iiAnswers ii-positive iipunishment

I iienter iia iidark iiroom, iifumble iifor iia iiswitch, iiflip iiit iiand iithe iilight iiturns iion. iiIn iithe
iifuture, iiwhen iiI iienter iithe iidark iiroom, iiI iiflip iithe iiswitch. iiSWITCH iiflipping iiincreases
iimeans... ii- iiAnswers ii-positive iireinforcement

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