Summary Slides
Lecture 1: Introduction
Perception involves the process by which individuals organize and interpret sensory
information to make sense of their environment. It is a vital component of cognitive
psychology, as it influences how we react and interact with the world around us.
Attention refers to the cognitive process of selectively concentrating on one aspect of the
environment while ignoring others. It plays a crucial role in how we process information and
can affect perception, memory and decision-making.
Working Memory is the cognitive system responsible for temporarily holding and
processing information. It is essential for reasoning, learning, and comprehension, allowing
individuals to retain information while using it for various cognitive tasks.
Long-Term Memory is responsible for storing information over extended periods, allowing
individuals to retain knowledge and skills acquired throughout their lives. It is crucial for
learning, as it enables the consolidation and retrieval of information when needed.
Decision and Response Selection involve evaluating different options and choosing a course
of action based on the information available. This process is influenced by various cognitive
factors, including attention, memory, and perception, and is essential for efficient problem-
solving and task execution
Task analysis
Task analysis involves breaking down a task into its component steps to understand the skills
and no required to perform it effectively. This process helps identify potential areas for
improvement, streamline, workflows, and enhance user experience by ensuring that systems
are designed to support the users need.
Summary Slides 1
, Full range of tasks that user performs
Physical: use of tools, instruments
Cognitive: reliance on attention, memory, decision-making
Define purpose and required data
Training requirements
Software and/or hardware requirements
Staffing requirements
Collect task data
Think-aloud protocol
Task performance with questioning
Interviews (structured or unstructured)
Surveys and questionnaires
Summarize task data
Consider: number of tasks, frequency of tasks, cognitive complexity (cognitive task
analysis), physical requirements, time taken per task
Flow charts; show interaction
Analyze task data
Network analysis
Workload analysis
Simulation and modeling
Summary Slides 2
, Safety analysis
Scenario specification
Operational Sequence Diagram (OSD)
Depicts the flow of activities when different actors are involved.
e.g. helping a customer in a store.
Research Methods
Literature Study
Experimental research (controlled)
Lab study (flight simulator)
Field study
Establish causal relationship
Situation may not be realistic enough
Population may not be representative
Statistical power may be low
More realistic scenarios lead to more potential confounds
Descriptive research (less/not controlled)
Observations, Surveys
Pick up general trends
Pick up subjective experience
No causal relationship
“Suitable” answers
Interpretation of questions, observations
User’s preferred solution is not always optimal
Summary Slides 3
, Incident/accident analysis
Lecture 2: Perception and Attention
Sensation is the initial step in the process of perceiving and understanding our environment. It
involves the detection and basic processing of physical stimuli by our sensory organs. These
raw sensory inputs are then transmitted to the brain, where they undergo further processing
and interpretation. This fundamental process forms the basis for our more complex perceptual
experiences and cognitive understanding of the world around us.
Sensation versus Perception
Sensation refers to the process of detecting stimuli from the environment through our sensory
organs, such as sight, sound, touch, taste, and smell. Perception is the interpretation and
organization of these sensory inputs to create meaningful experiences. While sensation is a
passive process of receiving data, perception involves active cognitive processing to make
sense of the information we receive.
The Retina
Cones are responsible for color vision and function best in bright light conditions, while
Rods are move sensitive to light and are primarily used for vision in dim or dark
environments. The distribution of these cells across the retina varies, with cones being more
concentrated in the central area (fovea) and rods being more prevalent in the peripheral
Characteristic Cones Rods
Function Colour vision Vision in low light
Less sensitive, require more Highly sensitive, function in dim
Light sensitivity
light light
Visual Acuity High (sharp vision) Low (less detailed version)
Summary Slides 4