Summary Marketing Lectures
End-Term Pre-Master
Tilburg University
Topic 1: Introduction 2
Topic 2: Motivation, Ability & Opportunity (MAO) 7
Topic 3: Problem Recognition & Information Search 16
Topic 4: External Information 27
Topic 5: Knowledge & Understanding 32
Topic 6: Attitudes 41
Topic 7: Evaluation of Alternatives & Decision Making 54
Topic 8: Choice Reflection 68
Topic 9: Social Influences 76
Practice Questions & Solutions: 88
,Lecture 1: Introduction
Learning Objectives:
- Illustrate; The position of Consumer Behavior in Marketing Management
- Understand; A sneak preview of how Consumers and Marketing interact
- Convince; The importance of really understanding Consumer Behavior
• Marketing
– Inside-out and Outside-in
– Consumer Behavior
• Marketing for Pre-Masters
– Structure
– Assessment
• Consumer Insight
– Knowledge versus Understanding
– Correlation versus Causality
Additional Context/Summary
,Marketing= the social & managerial process by which individuals & groups obtain what they need &
want through creating & exchanging products and value with others.
Marketing’s positioning in a company is the relationship between the consumer & the business.
Marketing is an inside-out – outside-in concept, in the sense that Marketing has two strategies:
Marketing Management that is from;
- Inside-Out from the Business to the Consumer, which implies focusing on the strengths &
capabilities within the Business.
- Outside-In is based on focusing on Consumer Behavior, that is the link from the Consumer to the
Business, and consists of [Motivation, Capacity (Ability), Opportunity & Social Influences.]
[Consumer Behavior= the totality of consumer decisions with respect to the consumption of an
offering by (human) decision making units over time.
Consumption: Acquisition, Usage, Disposition.
Offering: goods, services, activities, experiences, people, ideas and places.
Decision Making Units: decision maker, buyer, information gatherer
Over time: days, weeks, months, years.]
[Why do we need Consumer Behavior?:
- misconception #1: consumers are sales numbers.
- misconception #2: we can rely on our intuition.
- misconception #3: we know what consumers want.
#1 Consumers are real people with emotions & needs, thus not data points nor dead sales figures.
#2-3 We are often wrong with assumptions & intuition about what consumers want, think & feel.
-Marketing Managers need to really understand their consumers to create value for them.
-Consumers act upon perception and not on objective reality
-Objective product benefits = not the same as personal benefits.]
The mistake companies make= they focus on the stimulus as a direct cause to response, while
skipping the organism (consumers) in the process.
, The Organism is the Consumers, how they think, feel & act. (behavior)
Which consists of 1) the Psychological Core, 2) Decision Making Process, 3) Social Influences.
1) The Psychological core;
- Motivation, Ability, Opportunity (MAO)
- Internal Information: learning & memory (knowledge)
- External Information: attention & perception
- Understanding: comprehension & categorization (knowledge structure / associative network)
- Attitudes: cognition & affect
2) Decision Making Process:
- Problem Recognition & Information Search
- Alternatives Evaluation & Decision Making
- Choice Reflection& Post-Decision Evaluation
3) Social Influences:
- Conformity
- Compliance
- Obedience & Authority