Brain Imaging - Quiz Answers
Module 1 - Intro
1. Directions in an MR Image: Slicing from the
a. left to the right ear gives you … Sagittal Images
b. top of the head to the bottom gives you … Axial Images
c. nose to the back of the head gives you … Coronal Images
2. What is changing in this image? (Picture is becoming more detailed)
a. The resolution of the underlying image
b. The interpolation of the underlying image
c. The different images shown are different timepoints
3. Veins show up as:
a. Bright voxels with very low % signal change BOLD responses
b. Bright voxels with very high % signal change BOLD responses
c. Dark voxels with very low % signal change BOLD responses
d. Dark voxels with very high % signal change BOLD responses
4. Name some advantages of using fMRI
a. It has high resolution compared to other imaging modalities
b. It directly measures electrical activity of neurons in the brain
c. It's generally non-invasive
d. It has excellent temporal resolution, much better than EEG, for example
e. There's no radioactive tracer injection involved
5. Name some disadvantages of using fMRI
a. It is invasive
b. It has terrible spatial resolution
c. The responses we record are slow, and take multiple second to unfold
d. A strong magnet can be a dangerous thing
e. We're measuring a blood response, so not a direct neural response
Module 2 - Neuro
1. The majority of the cells in the brain are neurons
a. True
b. False
2. Blood flow that supplies oxygen and glucose to the gray matter of the brain goes from
a. Arteries, to the arterioles, to the vernules, and then to the veins
b. Schwann cells, via the astrocytes to the neurons
c. Veins, to the venules, to the arterioles, to the arteries
, Brain Imaging - Quiz Answers
3. The reason that white matter is called white matter, and also why it shows up as white in
a T1-weighted scan, is that
a. White matter contains all the cell bodies, and these contain most of the protein
and iron in the brain.
b. White matter is only white after death when you look at it, and it's the high water
content that make it light up as white in a T1-weighted scan.
c. The white is from calcium-rich deposits (think, gypsum) between axons in the
fiber bundles that connect the gray matter.
d. White matter contains all the axon bundles, and these contain a major
portion of the fat in the brain.
4. What lobe goes with what mental faculty? (note, this is a broad simplification!)
a. Parietal lobe → language, spatial reasoning, touch
b. Frontal lobe → reasoning, planning, movement
c. Temporal lobe → language, learning, memory
d. Cerebellum → balance, coordination of movement
e. Occipital lobe → vision
5. Select the correct statements:
a. Moving from the posterior to the anterior part of the frontal lobe increases
the abstractness of planning-related processing.
b. Noradrenaline and Dopamine are released from one and the same brainstem
region, that supplies these neurotransmitters to the entire rest of the brain.
c. The somatotopic maps of somatosensory and motor cortex are grossly, but
not perfectly, aligned on opposite banks of the central sulcus.
d. Most modulatory neurotransmitters such as serotonin, dopamine, etc, are
e. The Default Mode Network is a coherent set of brain regions devoted to sensory
Module 3 - BOLD
1. By injecting Gadolinium as a contrast agent to measure brain activations, we focus on
a. Cerebral Blood Oxygenation (CBO)
b. Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Consumption (CMRO2)
c. Cerebral Blood Flow (CBF)
d. Cerebral Blood Volume (CBV)