NUR 170 Exam 3 Latest 2024 Complete 100 Actual Exam Questions
with 100% Correct Verified Answers/ Graded A+
1. What are the signs and symptoms of Dyspnea, crackles, orthopnea,
left sided heart failure? *DROWNING weakness, nocturnal paroxysmal
dyspnea, increased hr, nagging
cough, gaining weight
2. What are the signs and symptoms of swelling of legs and hands, weight
right sided heart failure? *SWELLING gain, edema (pitting), large neck
(jvd), lethargy, irregular heart rate,
nocturia, girth (ascites); gi distress
and ascites
3. How is heart failure diagnoses? BNP, chest X-ray and echocardio-
4. Nursing interventions for heart fail- Strict I/O, daily weight (report 2-3lb
ure in week), diet restrictions (low sodi-
um, low fat, low cholesterol), ele-
vate HOB (semi-fowlers)
5. What are the risk factors for left sided Hypertension, obesity, hx of mi,
heart failure? substance abuse (cocaine), dia-
6. What are the risk factors for right Left ventricular failure, right mi, pul-
sided heart failure? monary hypertension, copd, acute
respiratory distress
7. What is the treatment for heart fail- Enalapril, Valsartan and
ure? furosemide/bumetanide
8. patient education for heart failure? Meds, activity, weight (daily - 3 to
*MAWDS 5lb a week), diet (2-3g sodium),
9. What does a normal sinus rhythm in- P, QRS, T
10. What is the measurement for a PR 0.12 - 0.2
, NUR 170 Exam 3 Latest 2024
11. What is the measurement for a QRS 0.06 - 0.12
12. What is the measurement for a QT <0.40 seconds
13. A widened QRS complex could mean PVCs, electrolyte imbalance and/or
what? drug toxicity
14. Define sinus Brady Regular sinus rhythm but at a rate
lower than 60.
15. Define sinus tachy Regular sinus rhythm but at a faster
rate more than 100.
16. What are causes of sinus Brady? Sleep, athletic, hypothyroidism, va-
gal stimulation, medications (CCB,
17. What is the treatment of sinus Brady? Correct underlying cause, increase
the hr to normal
18. What are causes of sinus tachy? Blood loss, fever, exercise, dehy-
dration, medications (stimulants, il-
licit drugs, epi), heart failure, hyper-
19. What is the treatment of sinus tachy? Identify underlying cause, decrease
the hr to normal
20. Define ventricular tachycardia Irregular waves; ventricles are quiv-
ering; no contraction or cardiac out-
put which can be fatal
21. Causes of v-tach MI, electrolyte imbalance, dig toxic-
ity, stimulants
22. Signs and symptoms of v-tach Pt is awake, chest pain, lethargy,
anxiety, syncope, palpitations