Food Protection Manager Certification Newest 2025 Complete Exam
Actual Exam Questions with Correct Verified Answers/ Graded A+
1. What are the three main Biological, chemical, and physical
causes of foodborne ill-
2. What are the four key rea- Staff (e.g., poor personal hygiene), cross-conta-
sons why food becomes mination, time and temperature abuse, and im-
unsafe? proper cleaning and sanitization
3. Which two main types of RTE (ready-to-eat) foods and TCS (time/temper-
food are considered to be ature control for safety) foods
high risk?
4. What are some exam- Breads, baked goods, desserts, nuts, jerky, snack
ples of RTE (ready-to-eat) foods, cut fruit, dried fruit, fruit juices, vegetables,
foods? salads, dressings, salsa, hummus, sandwiches,
wraps, soups, dairy (milk, butter, yogurt, sour
cream, cheeses, ice cream), deli meats, deli sal-
ads, cured meats, sashimi, sushi, and packaged
ice, as well as all freshly cooked foods
5. Which foods are consid- Milk and dairy; eggs; meat; poultry; fish; shellfish
ered to be TCS foods? and crustaceans; baked potatoes; heat-treated
plant foods (like cooked rice, beans, and veg-
etables); tofu and soy protein; spouts and spout
seeds; cut melon, tomatoes, and leafy greens;
and untreated garlic/oil mixtures
6. What are four common Children under five years old, older adults, people
groups of people most with weakened immune systems, and pregnant
vulnerable to foodborne women
7. What are the common Vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal cramps,
symptoms of having con- fever, and jaundice
tracted a foodborne ill-
8. What are some of the Loss of reputation and damage to the brand,
ways a major outbreak of loss of sales and customers, negative media ex-
posure, legal costs and lawsuits, reduced staff
, Food Protection Manager Certification Newest 2025
foodborne illness can im- morale, difficulty in recruiting new staff, and even
pact a food operation? bankruptcy and closure of the operation
9. What is the foundation of The FDA Food Code
all food safety laws and
adopted by every Depart-
ment of Health (DOH) ju-
risdiction in the U.S.?
10. What are the four types of Bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi
foodborne pathogens?
11. What is the process by Binary fission
which pathogenic bacte-
ria can quickly reproduce
to contaminate food?
12. What are the six elements Food, acidity, time, temperature, oxygen, and
that pathogenic bacteria moisture
need to survive and mul-
tiply? (Recall FAT TOM)
13. What are the two greatest Time control and temperature control
weapons in the food safe-
ty arsenal?
14. Pathogenic bacteria Protein and moisture (aw)
thrive in TCS foods that
are high in what two com-
15. Pathogenic bacteria 6; 8; 4.6
thrive in food with a pH of
______ to ______; it can-
not multiply at a pH of
______ or less.
16. The temperature danger 41; 135
zone (TDZ) is gener-