Robot Interaction - Article summary
Broadbent (2017) - Interactions With Robots: The Truths We Reveal About Ourselves
● Humanoid: a robot that has a body shape similar to a human, usually with a head, torso, arms, and
● Android: a robot with a human appearance (but not that of a specific individual)
● Geminoid: a teleoperated robot that is built to resemble a specific human individual
● Wizard of Oz: a situation in which people interact with a robot that they think is autonomous but
that is secretly being operated by another person
● Telenoid: a teleoperated robot designed to have minimal characteristics of a human, usually
ageless and genderless with a head, torso, and short limbs
● Uncanny valley: explains feelings of discomfort and unease toward close-to-human robots. These
feelings can occur when there is something fundamentally inhuman about a robot despite an
otherwise close resemblance, e.g., a robot may look humanlike but move in an odd manner.
● Second Self: phenomenon in which people likened human experiences, such as memory, to
computer processes, allowed a simplified understanding of ourselves.
● Media equation: general communication theory that claims that people tend to treat computers
and other media as if they were either real people or real places.
○ people use stereotypical social categories
○ people use overlearned social behaviors
○ people mindlessly apply social rules to robots
○ people are polite to robots
● Anthropomorphism: our tendency to see humanlike characteristics, emotions, and motivations in
nonhuman entities such as animals, gods, and objects and increases with the humanlikeness of a
nonhuman entity.
● Mind perception: ascribing mental capacities to other entities; robots are seen by most people to
have at least some components of mind.
○ capacity for agency
○ capacity for experience
● Emotional attachment to robots is measured by positive interactions, perceptions of the robot as
having mind, and positive reactions to the robot as a companion.
○ people feel situational empathy for robots when they are harmed
○ display of positive behavior may increase affection toward robots
● We form different relationships with robots, virtual robot characters (presented as avatars on a
screen), and computers. People tend to form a closer therapeutic alliance with robots than with
computers and to be more compliant with the instructions of robots. Trust is critical to successful
interactions with robots and physical embodiment may result in different physiological reactions
to robots than to more machinelike entities.
● The rights of robots themselves and the potential for them to be abused should not be ignored. To
reduce robot abuse, the authors demonstrated that the robot’s best strategies were avoidance and
escape, because attempts by the robot to change verbal behavior or gently push to continue on its
way unobstructed were both found to be ineffective. If the robot responded with a fearful or sad
facial expression, then the abuse increased, whereas if the robot responded with an angry
expression and drove at the boys, then better treatment ensued. Studying the abuse of robots may
,Robot Interaction - Article summary
allow us to gain insights into human behavior and ways to mitigate the abuse of humans and
Omankwu et al. (2017) - Robotics and Artificial Intelligence
● Robotics and artificial intelligence serve very different purposes
○ Robotics: branch of technology which deals with robots. Robots are programmable
machines which are usually able to carry out a series of actions autonomously, or
○ Artificial Intelligence (AI): branch of computer science. It involves developing computer
programs to complete tasks which would otherwise require human intelligence. AI
algorithms can tackle learning, perception, problem-solving, language-understanding
and/or logical reasoning.
● Robot factors
○ Robots interact with the physical world via sensors and actuators.
○ Robots are programmable.
○ Robots are usually autonomous or semi-autonomous.
● Artificially intelligent robots are the bridge between robotics and AI. These are robots which are
controlled by AI programs. Many robots are not artificially intelligent. Non-intelligent robots are
quite limited in their functionality. AI algorithms are often necessary to allow the robot to
perform more complex tasks.
Shneiderman (2020) - Design Lessons From AI’s Two Grand Goals: Human Emulation and Useful
● AI researchers and developers have two goals:
1. Emulation: understand human perceptual, cognitive, and motor abilities to build
computers that perform tasks as well as or better than humans. This goal includes the
aspiration for humanoid robots, natural language and image understanding, commonsense
reasoning, and artificial general intelligence (AGI).
a. Many researchers and developers believe that robots can be teammates, partners,
and collaborators and that computers can be autonomous systems that are
independent, capable of setting goals, self-directed, and selfmonitoring.
2. Application: develop widely used products and services by applying AI methods and
typically favors tool-based metaphors, teleoperated devices, supervised operation, and
mechanoid appliances. These applications are described as instruments, apps, orthotics,
prosthetics, utensils, or implements. These AI-guided products and services are built into
the cloud, websites, laptops, mobile devices, home automation, kiosks, flexible
manufacturing, and virtual assistants, and tailored for diverse application domains.
a. The application goal community has a desire to make commercially successful
products and services using human–computer interaction (HCI) methods, such as
design thinking, observation of users, usability testing, market research, and
continuous monitoring of usage as measurements.
b. Sometimes pursuing the application goal starts with emulation goal ideas
, Robot Interaction - Article summary
● Shneiderman thinks that human partners, teammates, and collaborators are very different from
○ Responsibility: Computers are not responsible participants, neither legally nor morally
○ Distinctive Capabilities: Computers have distinctive capabilities of algorithms, databases,
sensors, effectors, etc.
○ Human Creativity: The human is always the creative force— for discovery, innovation,
art, music, etc.
● Computer autonomy is an attractive emulation goal
○ To be fully autonomous, a system must have the capability to independently compose and
select among different courses of action to accomplish goals based on its knowledge and
understanding of the world, itself, and the situation.
○ All autonomous systems are supervised by human operators at some level, and
autonomous systems’ software embodies the designed limits on the actions and decisions
delegated to the computer. Autonomy is, by itself, not a solution to any problem.
○ humans and machines are embedded in complex organizational and social systems,
making interdependence an important goal as well
● There are four mismatches in goals that affect AI-guided application development:
1. intelligent agent or powerful tool;
2. simulated teammate or teleoperated device;
3. autonomous system or supervisory control;
4. humanoid robot or mechanoid appliance
○ Understanding the mismatches could lead to designs for widely used products and
● A greater emphasis on human-centered AI could reduce AI’s existential threats and increase
benefits for users and society
Turing (1950) - Computing Machinery and Intelligence
● Digital computer: machine intended to carry out any operations which could be done by a human
computer. The human computer is supposed to be following fixed rules; he has no authority to
deviate from them in any detail.
○ Consists of three parts:
1. Store
a. store of information, and corresponds to the human computer's paper
2. Executive unit
a. carries out the various individual operations involved in a calculation
3. Control
a. To see if instructions are obeyed correctly and in the right order
○ Interesting variant: digital computer with a random element, e.g., random dice roll
○ This is rather useful when we are searching for a solution of some problem
○ Most digital computers have only a finite store
○ discrete-state machines: machines which move by sudden jumps or clicks from one quite
definite state to another
○ number of states of which such a machine is capable is usually enormously large