Summary Geo-information tools
Lecture day 2 | Application building
Application: a software program or group of models which enables you to perform a range of tasks
How to structure a project
Levels for structure within an institute:
- Project (I, II, III, …)
o Applications (A, B, C, …)
Components (a, b, c, …)
Steps (1, 2, 3, …): a.k.a. sequential steps
,First component: preprocessing: preparing project source data for the whole application
(data preparation)
Often data comes in terrible shape, crucial to spend time:
- Cleaning: missing noisy data, inconsistencies
- Integrating: projections, extents
- Transforming: aggregation and generalization
- Reducing: not needed to carry over bigger scale than Wageningen area
- Discretizing: reducing the range of values
Two types of data:
- Important data
o Project sources
o Project results: application results
- Execution data: data that can be erased after
o Transformations of the inputs that play a role in several components/steps
o Data specific for a single step
Thinking in a structured way: data
Project geodatabase Component geodatabase Step geodatabase
Always important data Data important along several Data important within a single ste
components or steps
Project source (ps_)
Project results for stakeholders Useful for running the project but Data that are used only in one s
(pr_) can easily be re-calculated
Add the steps it was created to the Becomes redundant at the end of Can be cleared when a step has
name the execution of the project finished running
- psa4_
- prb6_ Naming after the first Naming after the first
component/step they are used in component/step they are used in
- b3_ for component b, step 3 - b3_ for component b, step
,Theory tutorials | 1 – 3
4 basic phases of a project:
1. Concept phase: Defining the goals and requirements.
2. Formalization phase: Defining a methodology to fulfil the project goals and requirements.
The methodology describes a repeatable process.
3. Implementation phase: Put the proposed methodology into practice. This implementation
guarantees the reproducibility of project results.
4. Execution/evaluation phase: Compute and evaluate results in relation to given goals and
Levels for structure within an institute:
- Project (I, II, III, …)
o Applications (A, B, C, …)
Components (a, b, c, …)
Steps (1, 2, 3, …): a.k.a. sequential steps
Application-component: a sequence of processing steps to derive project outcome/results.
Component: a sequence of a set of models, computing the desired outcome
formalization of a goal
, Lecture day 4 | Queries,
Overlays and Lookup
tables (1)
Different types of data handling classes:
- Queries: work on the features/tables, and does
not modify the entity (number of attributes)
you select, cut and paste, but the set of
attributes (fields) stay the same.
- Transformation
- Alterations
Entity: number of attributes
Geometry: defines a spatial location and an associated geometric shape
Two types of select queries:
- Attribute selection: SELECT buildings WHERE Municipality = Wageningen
needs the municipality of every building in the attribute table: ‘Municipality’
- Spatial selection: SELECT buildings WITHIN Wageningen
second feature class is needed within municipality boundaries (polygon)
Attribute selection
In the attribute table you need the
municipality name of every building
Gemeentenaam (municipality)