Community Public Health Nursing Final
Exam Correct questions & Answers
Name those who are under-served/vulnerable populations - ANSWER Prisoners,
migrant workers, homeless, rural, LGBTQ, Mentally ill
Rural area populations - ANSWER lack access to healthcare, lack education, elderly,
decreased employment opportunities, decreased income, lack preventive care
Mental Health populations - ANSWER substance abuse, homeless, HIV, violence
Migrate workers populations - ANSWER moving around due to work, lack insurance,
increased injuries, chemical exposure, esl language barrier
Prison Population - ANSWER infectious disease, TB, HIV, STI, hepatitis, overcrowding,
poor ventilation, lack of employment when released, lack all levels of prevention
LGBTQ population - ANSWER discrimination, stigma, STI, HIV, substance abuse,
violence, depression, suicide, lack all levels of prevention
Homeless population - ANSWER substance abuse, physical abuse, mental abuse, lack
support services, lack affordable housing, have comorbidities
What are the 7 A's - ANSWER Availability, accessibility, affordability, adequacy,
awareness, acceptability, assessment
Availability - ANSWER insufficient number and diversity of formal services and
providers, lack acceptable services and human service infrastructure
accessibility - ANSWER shortages of adequate appropriate and affordable
transportation, cultural and geographic isolation
affordability - ANSWER Poverty and inability to pay for services
awarness - ANSWER low level of information, dissemination, literacy issues
adequacy - ANSWER lack of service standards and evaluation evidence based practice
is compromised
acceptability - ANSWER reluctance to ask for help
assessment - ANSWER lack of basic info on what is needed using research rigor and
, What is MUA - ANSWER Medically underserved area's- area of grouped residents with
shortage of personal healthcare
What is MUP - ANSWER Medically underserved population-people with economic,
cultural, and linguistic barriers to health care population
Medicare guidelines for Home Health care - ANSWER Patient must be home bound,
have a skilled need necessity, doctor order, can only be intermittent care
Hospice nurse - ANSWER Cares for a patients who are under palliative care, terminally
ill with 6 months of less to live
Where do nurses report confirmed cases of reportable infectious diseases? - ANSWER
State level hc provides and hc facilites are required to report certain infectious disease
to state health departments. State PH depts monitor the disease incidence and if a
possible outbreak with in the state then report to the CDC
Reportable infectious diseases to the CDC include: - ANSWER - cholera,
cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, hep a, legionellosis, malaria, salmonellosis, shigellosis,
typhoid fever, yellow fever
reportable infectious disease to idph - ANSWER anthrax, botulism, food-borne,
diphtheria, influenza a, plague, SARS, Small pox, tularemia
reportable STI to Idph - ANSWER chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphillis
systems of surveillance - ANSWER FDA, DoD(department of defense)
Primary Prevention is - ANSWER maximizing health and wellness through strategies
that are set in place before illness or injury is present
Secondary Prevention is - ANSWER screening, and early detection
Tertiary prevention is - ANSWER actions taken to contain damage once a disease or
disability has progressed beyond its early stages
Examples of primary prevention - ANSWER Health education, Good nurtrition, Marriage
counseling and sex education, genetic screening, immunizations, personal hygeine,
protection from accidents, avoidance of allergens
Examples of secondary prevention - ANSWER health screenings (diabetes, high blood
pressure, self examinations)
examples of tertiary prevention - ANSWER Lifestyle modification to normalize wt,
glucose, BP.
Support groups
Education related to preexisting disease