Theory & History of European Integration
Information............................................................................................................ 2
Lecture 1, 03-09-2024: Introduction......................................................................3
Lecture 2, 05-09-2024: The German question and the treaties of Paris.................5
Lecture 3, 6/9: From a European community to an empty chair: The Treaties of
Rome and beyond (1953-1970s)..........................................................................10
Lecture 4 10/9: It’s great to be single… If you’re a market or a currency! The SEA
and Treaty of Maastricht (1980’s-1990’s)............................................................15
Lecture 5, 12/9: Maintaining the Temple: Treaties of Amsterdam and Nice (1990’s
– 2000’s).............................................................................................................. 22
Lecture 6, 13/9: ‘Nee bedankt’, ‘non merci’ and ‘nil go raibh maith agat’! The
constitutional and Lisbon treaties (2000s)...........................................................25
Lecture 8, 19/9: Crisis, S01E01: The euro and refugee crises (2007 - 2015).......30
Lecture 9, 24/9: Crisis, S01E02: Brexit, the legitimacy crisis and beyond (2016-
2024)................................................................................................................... 34
Lecture 10, 26/9: Q&A.......................................................................................... 37
Lecture 11, 1/10: Neofunctionalism.....................................................................38
Lecture 12, 3/10: Liberal Intergovernmentalism..................................................41
Lecture 13, 8/10: Postfunctionalism.....................................................................44
Lecture 14, 8/10: The “institutionalism” (rational choice sociological & historical
institutionalism)................................................................................................... 48
Lecture 15, 15/10: Governance approaches........................................................53
Lecture 16, 17/10: Final Q&A + exam preparation...............................................58
Afko´s.................................................................................................................. 60
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,Lecture 1, 03-09-2024: Introduction
What do we mean by European Integration?
- Many things we use need to be approved by the EU
- More integration implies greater shared decision making, shared laws and
shared legal and political systems.
Its used for al forms of cooperation.
It’s impossible to understand the contemporary politics of EU member stated
without understanding the process of European integration.
The course focusses on the Europeanization of:
- Politics
- Policy
It is impossible to understand contemporary politics of EU Member states without
understanding the process of European Integration
European integration as dependent variable
- Widening from 6 member states (1951) to 27 (2024)
- Deepening (competence to Eu 80% of national legislation has EU basis)
3 EU institutions
- European Council
- European Commission
- European Parlement
There are a lot of different actors that play a role in the EU integration, such as
national governments, political parties, societal actors. But also context plays an
important role. International relations or socio-ecomomic developments play an
The widening and deepening influence these actors. But it is also visa versa, the
contacts and the actors influence the widening and deepening.
History EI (European Integration)
The history of the EI starts with Julias Ceasar, but we start with the German
Problem (the problem of Germany within Europe).
- If we want to understand the EI we have to know how to look at it and how
to look at it.
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, In the course we will focus on crisis and treaties, but why?
- Moments where change of power happens.
- Outcomes of political power
- Codifications of power relations
- Determinants of future power relations
Theories of EI
Provide a explanation for
dependent varieties. Most of
the times theories depend on
the questions that are being
asked and don’t give an
complete explanation.
Scientific theories are
analytic frameworks for:
- Description
- Explanation
- Prediction Robert Putnam 2 level game ^
- Evaluation
The grand theories aim to say something about integration as a whole but over
the years more specific ones have formed and we will discus both in this course.
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