War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan (MAN-CI43)

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)

Hier vind je de beste samenvattingen om te slagen voor War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan (MAN-CI43). Er zijn o.a. samenvattingen, aantekeningen en oefenvragen beschikbaar.

Alle 3 resultaten

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War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan summary, lectures, readings, videos
  • War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan summary, lectures, readings, videos

  • Samenvatting • 135 pagina's • 2020
  • War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan. Inclusief lectures, readings, videos, alles. Per sessie. Gemakkelijk te vinden via de inhoudsopgave. War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan. Including lectures, readings, videos, everything. Per session. Easy to find using the first page, page numbering of sessions.
  • juultjeka
  • €4,49
  • 21x verkocht
  • + meer info
War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan literature summary
  • War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan literature summary

  • Samenvatting • 14 pagina's • 2019
  • In this document I have made a summary of all the literature from the course. The most important statements and findings of the authors are written down. When those arguments are studied, one is able to provide with comprehensive answers on questions about the authors and their theories in the exam. Together with the document 'War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan key terms' you basically have all you need in order to pass the exam.
  • charlottevanraaij
  • €4,49
  • 26x verkocht
  • + meer info
War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan key terms
  • War and Statebuilding in Afghanistan key terms

  • Samenvatting • 13 pagina's • 2019
  • In this document I have made an overview of the most important key terms from the lectures and literature. Since the topic of Afghanistan is very complicated, this document has helped me to get all the information and facts straight, and I was able to draw connection between different topics in order to provide comprehensive answers on my exam.
  • charlottevanraaij
  • €4,49
  • 16x verkocht
  • + meer info