Most cardiovascular developments occur between which weeks of
gestation? - ANSWER - Fourth and seventh weeks -
During weeks four to seven, the primitive heart tube progresses through
numerous stages of development leading to a developed heart with distinct
atria, ventricles, and cardiac vessels.
Which compensatory mechanism is spontaneously used by children
diagnosed with tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) to relieve hypoxic spells? -
ANSWER - Squatting -
Spontaneous squatting helps relieve hyper cyanotic events in older children
through increasing systemic vascular resistance, decreasing venous blood
return. This provides a larger amount of oxygenated blood for the body and
leads to the temporary reversal of blood through the ventricular septal
defect (VSD), which results in increased pulmonary flow. Squatting is rarely
seen clinically because most TOF defects are diagnosed and surgically
repaired in infancy (McCance, p. 1127).
Which condition is consistent with the cardiac defect of transposition of the
great vessels? - ANSWER - The aorta arises from the right ventricle -
In transposition of the great vessels, opposite of a normal heart, the aorta
arises from the right ventricle, and the pulmonary artery arises from the left
pg. 1
,Which finding would indicate that terazosin has been effective for a patient
with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)? - ANSWER - Improved urinary
hesitation -
Terazosin improves many of the symptoms of BPH (dysuria, urinary
frequency, nocturia, urinary hesitancy, and incomplete voiding). It does not
decrease prostate size, nor does it decrease serum PSA.
When metronidazole [Flagyl] is a component of the H. pylori treatment
regimen, the patient must be instructed to do what? - ANSWER - Avoid any
alcoholic beverages -
Concurrent use of metronidazole and alcohol with 72 hours of completing
the course carries high potential to produce a disulfiram-like effect
(immediate hangover symptoms, nausea, vomiting, headache) and severe
abdominal cramping.
A patient's provider has recommended a bulk-forming laxative for
occasional constipation. Which statement by the patient indicates
understanding of the teaching about this agent? - ANSWER - "I should take
each dose with a full glass of water." -
Bulk-forming laxatives may be taken one to three or four times per day
(depending on the medication) and taken with a full glass of water. Bulk-
forming laxatives are a mainstay of both irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and
diarrheal treatment.
A patient who has traveler's diarrhea asks the nurse about using
loperamide to stop the symptoms. What will the nurse tell the patient about
this drug? - ANSWER - "Use of this drug may prolong symptoms by slowing
peristalsis and should not be used for infectious diarrhea." -
Loperamide is recommended to treat mild diarrheal illness. It should not be
used for infectious diarrhea due to its slowing the body's mechanisms of
expelling the infectious agent.
pg. 2
,Which condition is indicated by a high level of TSH and low T4? - ANSWER
- Hypothyroidism -
Hypothyroidism is a condition in which there is a dysregulation in the
thyroid performing its normal endocrine functions. The anterior pituitary
senses low circulating T4; this causes a feedback response for additional
stimulation resulting in the production of more thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH), without the expected effects of raising T4.
What diagnosis results if a patient's anterior pituitary produces none of the
normal pituitary hormones? - ANSWER - Panhypopituitarism -
In panhypopituitarism, all hormones of the anterior pituitary are deficient:
ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, GH, and prolactin.
Which of the following symptoms is not indicative of metabolic syndrome? -
ANSWER - Cachexia -
Metabolic syndrome is diagnosed when three of the five metabolic findings
are present: increased waist circumference or central obesity (males > 40
inches, females > 35 inches); triglycerides ≥150 mg/dl; HDL < 40 mg/dl
(males) or < 50 mg/dl (females); BP ≥ 130/85 mmHg; or fasting BG ≥ 100
mg/dl (McCance, p. 688).
What is occlusion of the capillaries due to diabetes called? - ANSWER -
Microvascular disease -
Microvascular disease is primarily due to a long duration (10 or more years)
of poorly controlled DM, leading to capillary occlusion and resultant tissue
ischemia (retinal, renal, and neurological) (McCance, p. 695).
Which of the following is anorexia of aging associated with? - ANSWER -
Poor dentition, decreased gastric emptying, and the effects of medication -
pg. 3
, Anorexia of aging is associated with decreased orexigenic signals,
increased anorexigenic signals, decreased gastric emptying, poor dentition,
loneliness, and functional impairments (McCance, p. 721).
A BMI greater than what indicates obesity? - ANSWER - 30 kg/m2 -
Underweight is < 18.5 kg/m2. Normal weight is 18.5-24.9 kg/m2.
Overweight is 25-29.9 kg/m2. Obesity is ≥ 30 kg/m2. See "About Adult BMI"
for more information.
Which term identifies the movement of blood into and out of the capillary
beds of the lungs to body organs and tissues? - ANSWER - Perfusion -
The actual delivery of blood with oxygen and nutrients around the body is
What is the mechanism of defense for the alveolar macrophages? -
ANSWER - To ingest and remove bacteria from the alveoli by phagocytosis
Pulmonary cilia are responsible for the entrapment and movement of large,
foreign particles from the air. The action of coughing propels collected
particles while alveolar macrophages work on the microscopic level to
eliminate bacteria from lung alveoli.
If an individual aspirates, where would a nurse expect abnormal breath
sounds? - ANSWER - Right lung -
In the anatomy of the lung, the right bronchus is at more of a vertical angle
than the left main stem bronchus. Therefore, when food or other foreign
bodies are inhaled or aspirated, the more likely path of travel is down
towards the right lung, resulting in abnormal breath sounds in that lobe
upon auscultation.
pg. 4