Pronouns and verbal conjugations
English عربي
I …َأنا أ
You (masculine, singular) …أنتَ ت
You (feminine, singular) ت ت…ين
ِ أن
He …هُ َو ي
She …ِه َي ت
We ُ ن
…َحن ن
You (plural) وا/َأنتُم ت…ون
They وا/هُم ي…ون
Al Kitaab
Lesson 1 – Grammar 1
المُؤ َّنث والمُذكر
English عربي
feminine مُؤ َّنث
masculine مُذكر
Nouns & adjectives always carry gender.
In Arabic, there are two categories of nouns: those that refer to human beings (this includes
proper nouns, such as names), and those that refer to non-humans.
➢ the gender of human nouns follows the gender of the person.
➢ considering non-human nouns, each noun has its own gender which does not change.
! Mind that there is no neutral, non-gendered word for “it” in Arabic, you must use هوor هي
depending on the noun you are referring to.
The gender of adjectives, pronouns and verbs that refer to a noun must agree in gender with
the noun.
,The letter ةalmost always indicates a feminine gender. This letter is related to the letter ت,
and is pronounced as تin possessive phrases. In other cases ةis not pronounced, but the فتحة
that always precedes it is. (possessive phrases are discussed in lesson 3).
The Nisba Adjective
النسبةis a type of adjective formed from nouns by adding the suffix:
→ي ّ for ( مذكرmasculine)
→ يّةfor ( مؤنثfeminine)
These adjectives generally indicate origin or affiliation, especially in reference to a place.
Nisbas are usually formed from nouns referring to a place or institution, such as university,
library, or house.
A few professions are also expressed with a nisba ending for instance: ( ميكانيكةmechanic)
and ( ساعاتيwatch repairer).
To form a nisba adjective from a place noun, follow these steps:
1) remove all ة, ال, and final ياor اfrom the place name
ّ for مذكرor يّةfor مؤنث
2) add the appropriate nisba ending: ي
Lesson 1 - Grammar 2
The Definite Article ال
الmakes a noun definite.
You cannot assume that all words without الare indefinite. There are definite words without
ال, such as proper names as well as nouns in one particular grammatical construction (will be
discussed in lesson 3).
You can assume that all words with الare definite.
In Arabic, abstract and generic concepts are expressed as definite nouns.
Examples of this are: العربية – الشاي – القهوة – الجامعة – الصباح
Arabic does not use an indefinite article to express “a” or “an”, indefiniteness is understood
from the absence of the definite article.
Concluding, the definite article الrefers to both specific and abstract or generic entities.
Indefiniteness of a word is understood from the absence of the definite article.
, Lesson 2 – Grammar 1
For subject pronouns and plural verb conjugations, see ‘pronouns and verbal conjugations’.
Noun Plurals
جمع االسم
English عربي
singular )ُمف َرد (م
plural )َجمع (ج
Plural Patterns
For forming plurals in Arabic, there are root patterns.
> roots & patterns constitute the basis of word formation in Arabic.
After you have identified and isolated the root of a word, everything else you see in that word
is part of the pattern.
Patterns are presented with the generic root
Two very common plural patterns are: َأ ْفعالand فُعول
You will notice that Arabic tends to distinguish between human- & non-human plurals. While
some patterns overlap, it is often possible to tell whether a plural noun is human or
non-human from its pattern.
Two patterns of plural formation in Arabic consist of suffixes:
→ Sound masculine plurals, which refer only to human beings
→ Sound feminine plurals, which refer primarily to groups of human females (will be
introduced in lesson 3).
Human Sound Masculine Plurals
جمع ال ُمذكر
Human sound masculine plurals either have the suffix ون- or ين-
( ين- is the ending that is most often used and heard)
In الفصحى, these plurals take a pair of endings that alternate according to grammatical
These plurals are called “sound plurals”, because the singular stem remains intact.