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Digital marketing intelligence
Lecture 1
Digital marketing= an adaptive, technology-enabled process by which rms
collaborate with customers and partners to jointly create, communicate, deliver
and sustain value for all stakeholders. (Kannan and li, 2017).
Relevance of digital marketing intelligence:
The store visit reveals the purchase intent, but online this is not sure and that
makes it a crucial di)erence.
Digital marketing framework:
In digital marketing there are a lot of traditional elements like the 4 P’s. You can
have new data, you have new platforms coming out constantly. But old problems
can still occur. Such as; customer journey, advertising e2ciency. Analyzing
products that are bought, with such as an advertising elasticity, then what
happens to the product? Or price sensitivity can also be analyzed with new data.
So that is on the right side of the framework:
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New data, new problems:
Clickstream data
Is a basic ingredient of DMI, meaning clickstream data are dened as the
electronic record of internet usage collected by web servers or third-party
servers. Which can be divided in, both relate to clicking behavior of individuals
(Bucklin, 2002):
- Site centric: all measurements take place on one site, is one based on the
website (TAG and LOG technologies). A detailed records of what visitors do
when navigating and interacting with a specic site (o<ine: compare to
loyalty card information of one specic store).
- User centric: you follow a consumer outside the single website, is based on
the user (panel method). A detailed record of online behavior tracing
across sites (o<ine: scanner data of specic consumer products).
You can track a lot of detailed data with site centric, opposed from user centric
but you have behavior over multiple sites that makes it rich.
Website conversion funnel
A conversion funnel is a way to visualize the >ow and conversion path of
potential customers into paying customers. These visitors can be generated
through variety of methods such as SEO, content marketing, social media, paid
ads, and even cold outreach. Below you can see the types of measurements you
can do with this basic type of funnel. As you see you have di)erent version
(metrics) that you can communicate, such as conversion, stickiness.
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Worse funnel
The worse funnel you can have is an empty glass. This
happens a lot, FE when you are new in the market/platform.
As people are not aware with you being there. You need to act
upon that, maybe pay for advertising like SEO/SEA.
Filling the funnel/glass:
- Sponsored search advertising (SEA): A rm pays a
certain fee to search engine operator such as
google/yahoo to display its ads in the form of a link
along with organic search results (ghose and yang,
2009). Search Engine Advertising (SEA), also known as PPC or Pay-Per-
Click. Is the process of advertising directly on Google and other similar
search engines. When using SEA, search engines will show ads for your
company in the search results above the organic results.
- Search engine optimization (SEO): Labels e)orts of rms that aim to
improve the ranking of the ad/link in the unsponsored search results. The
display of the unsponsored (organic) search results is free of charge,
whereas advertisers pay for each click on their ads that appear among the
sponsored (paid) search results (skiera, Eckert, hinz, 2010). Is the process
used to optimize a website's technical conguration, content relevance
and link popularity so its pages can become easily ndable, more relevant
and popular towards user search queries, and as a consequence, search
engines rank them better.
Almost perfect funnel
People do buy but they do not really return at the store. There
could be service to improve on: “I’m sorry but we don’t actually
help people here. We ll just mock you for not knowing how to
solve your own computer problems.”
Perfect funnel
Hardly ever happens:
erent sites, di
erent purposes
Most common funnel depends on your website. Entertainment website, you want
duration to be as long as possible.
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E-commerce sites might want to speed up the process from visiting to
• Decrease duration visit
• Learning e)ects relevant
• Previous ndings can be used (see also Ngwe et al. 2019 paper)
Entertainment and media websites/platforms may want to slow down the
• Increase duration visit
• How?
Questions to think about (for the exam):
What do you think? **criticize basic funnel; how to
Simple? include more complex behaviour
Possible extensions?
Critically asses this funnel, if there are draw backs, how would you improve the
funnel (so make a list of all funnels with pos/neg sides and how to improve to
study for exam).
But also:
What insights can you obtain from click stream data?
Estimated tra2c;
Tra2c sources (including exact platforms users come from to the site);
Time on page;
The share of unique and return visitors;
Bounce rate; and more.
This data type provides insight into what a user is doing on the web page, and
can provide data that is highly useful for behavior and usability analysis,
marketing, and general research.
Beyond counting
3 types of analyses (bucklin and sismeiro, 2009):
1. Browsing and site usage behavior on the internet/apps. engagement
2. Shopping behavior on the internet/apps. conversion
3. The internet’s role and e2cacy as a new medium for advertising and
persuasion. advertising
Basic insights
Sites visits and visit duration; you could wonder if learning occurs. So more
frequent visits visit duration decreases (Johnson, Bellman and Lohse, 2003). So
are people learning how the site works? Or are there fewer page views or just
shorter visits? They found fewer page views, not less time spent viewing each
page (Bucklin and sismeiro, 2003). They knew where to go, so they are learning
how to nd their way through the website.
2022 kukar
what is endogeneity
bias; how to fix it-
propensity scores; 2
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