Assignment 1
17-2-2020 International Health Studies
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Minor: GKO-IHS-C-19
1. Our interpretation of culture..............................................................................................................1
2. Describe the characteristics of the culture of the destination country...............................................2
3. Describe the health care system of the destination country..............................................................5
4. Explain from a cultural point of view the health care system as well as health seeking
1. Our interpretation of culture
Definitions of culture
For this assignment we look at culture in the sense of patterns of thought, feeling
and acting that we have taught ourselves, that we are familiar with and which we
share with others in our community. The word ‘’culture’’ has been given different
, definitions throughout the years. In the early 20 th century people looked at
culture as a unifying principle which led to definitions as ‘’internal coherence’’
and ‘’consistent pattern of thought and action’’ (Hansen, Scheffer, Rathje, Schulz,
2009). The best-known definition is the definition of Edward Taylor in 1871:
‘’Culture is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law,
custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of
society’’ (Mahdi, Obihara, Maarse, Nunez, Hagenbeek, 2019).
Another well-known definition is the definition of Geert Hofstede. He has defined
culture in 1991 as: ‘’The collective programming of the mind that distinguishes
the members of one group or category of people from others’’ (Mahdi, Obihara,
Maarse, Nunez, Hagenbeek, 2019). By programming he means that culture is
something that is taught. This is done through education, socialisation, values
and observation.
In the 21st century Thomas describes culture in 2003 as "universal organization
and typical orientation system for a given society" (Hansen, Scheffer, Rathje,
Schulz, 2009).
Layers of culture
In every culture and every group there are three layers of culture. Some layers
are ‘’hidden’’ and some are visible. These layers are explained by Hall (1984) and
Edgar Schein (2004). The third layer is visible for outsiders,
for example traditional clothing, local food or festivities that
are known for a specific culture (Mahdi, Obihara, Maarse,
Nunez, Hagenbeek, 2019). In the Netherlands we have
Kingsday (in Dutch: Koningsdag) where we celebrate the
birthday of our king. This is an example of a festivity that is
only known in the Netherlands and a part of our culture.
Image 1: Kingsday
The second layer (secondary level) are the etiquettes that are known within a
group (Mahdi, Obihara, Maarse, Nunez, Hagenbeek, 2019). Norms and values are
part of these etiquettes. Norms and values can be the same in many countries,
groups and cultures, for example standing up for a pregnant woman or an old
lady. However the norm being on time is an example that differs in different
cultures or groups. In the Philippines it is normal to come half an hour late, while
in the Netherlands this has consequences.
The first layer (primary level) is the most hidden one. These are the rules that
every member of the group knows but can’t explain. It is something that we learn
from an early age, but we are unaware that these rules affect us (Mahdi, Obihara,
Maarse, Nunez, Hagenbeek, 2019).
2. Describe the characteristics of the culture of the destination
The characteristics of the culture of the Philippines are shown with the help of the
Hofstede model of national culture. The Hofstede model consists of six
dimensions, these dimensions are: power distance index, individualism versus