Summary Leading Change & Projects
(Literature & Knowledge Clips)
Leadership and Change Management
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
,BA: Leadership and Change Management
Literature Summary LCP 2020/2021
Table of contents
Theme A: N-step Models in Change Management 2
Stouten et al. - Successful Organizational Change: Integrating the Management Practice and Scholarly Literatures 2
Cummings, Bridgman & Brown: Unfreezing Change as Three Steps: Rethinking Kurt Lewin’s Legacy for Change Management 4
Knowledge clip on N-step Models of Change 5
Theme B: Management Fashions 7
Abrahamson: Management fashion. 7
Westphal, Gulati & Shortell: Customization or Conformity? An Institutional and Network Perspective on the Content and
Consequences of TQM Adoption 9
Knowledge clip on Management Fashion 11
Knowledge Clip Agile 13
Theme: Project Management Essentials 15
Knowledge clip on Project Management Essentials Part I 15
Knowledge clip on Project Management Essentials Part II 17
Theme C: Change Capacity 18
Sydow, Schreyögg & Koch: Organizational Path Dependence: Opening the Black Box 18
Waeger & Weber: Institutional Complexity and Organizational Change: An Open Polity Perspective 21
Knowledge clip on Change Capacity 24
Theme D: The Change Leadership Process 25
Oreg & Berson: Leaders’ Impact on Organizational Change: Bridging Theoretical and Methodological Chasms 25
DeRue, Nahrgang and Ashford: Interpersonal Perceptions and the Emergence of Leadership Structures in Groups: A Network
Perspective 27
Knowledge clip on change/project leadership 29
Theme E: The Change Process at the Organizational Level 30
Berglund, Bousfiha & Mansoori: Opportunities as Artifacts and Entrepreneurship as Design 30
Lord, Dinh & Hoffman: A Quantum Approach to Time and Organizational Change 32
Knowledge clip Organizational level change 34
Theme F: The Change Process at the Individual Level 35
Conroy and O’Leary-Kelly: Letting Go and Moving On: Work-related Identity Loss and Recovery 35
Oreg, Bartunek, Lee and Do: An Affect-based Model of Recipients’ Responses to Organizational Change Events 38
Knowledge clip on the Inner Game of Change 40
Theme G: Project Management 41
Atkinson, Crawford & Ward: Fundamental Uncertainties in Projects and the Scope of Project Management 41
Van Marrewijk: Managing Project Culture: The Case of Environ Megaproject 43
Knowledge clip on Change and Projects Management Synthesis 46
Theme H: Projectification (Projects as Vehicles for Change) 47
Brown and Eisenhardt: The Art of Continuous Change: Linking Complexity Theory and Time-Paced Evolution in Relentlessly Shifting
Organizations 47
Pitsis, Clegg, Marosszeky & Rura-Polley: Constructing the Olympic Dream, A Future Perfect Strategy of Project Management 48
Knowledge clip on Projectification; Projects as Vehicles for Change 50
Theme I: Stakeholder Governance and Resistance 51
Bridoux and Stoelhorst: Stakeholder Governance; Solving the Collective Action Problems in Joint Value Creation 51
Van den Ende & van Marrewijk: Teargas, Taboo and Transformation: A Neo-institutional Study of Community Resistance and the
Struggle to Legitimize Subway Projects in Amsterdam 1960-2018 54
Knowledge clip on Stakeholder Governance and Resistance 55
Knowledge Clip Engage! Book LCP 56
,BA: Leadership and Change Management
Literature Summary LCP 2020/2021
Theme A: N-step Models in Change Management
Stouten et al. - Successful Organizational Change: Integrating the Management Practice and Scholarly
Planned organizational change: deliberate activities that move an organization from its present state to a
desired future state (Harigopal, 2006).
Lewin’s Three-Phase Process: 1) unfreezing 2) transitioning to a new stage 3) refreezing. Unfreezing includes
establishing a change vision and developing a change plan. Doing so prepares the organization for the
transition to new systems, structures, or procedures. This transition involves putting the change in place and
modifying existing systems in support of the change. Refreezing entails the consolidation of the change so that
it aligns with other organizational structures and procedures.
Beer’s Six-Step Change Management Model: 1) emphasize the need to join two aspects of change: an
accurate diagnosis of the problem situation, which mobilizes commitment to change 2) A change vision should
be developed 3) Consensus in support of this vision 4) Change should be implemented and spread throughout
the organization 5) Change should be institutionalized 6) Monitor and adjust.
Appreciative Inquiry (AI): 1) Thinking about what goes well in the organization 2) Dream about an ideal 3)
Creating plans to enable these dreams
Judson’s Five Steps: (1) analyzing and planning the change, (2) communicating about it, (3) gaining acceptance
for the required changes particularly in behavior, (4) making the initial transition from the status quo to the
new situation, and (5) consolidating the new conditions and continuing to follow-up to institutionalize the
Kanter, Stein and Jick’s Ten Commandments: (1) analysis of the organization and the need for change,
followed by (2) the creation of a shared vision and common direction in which emphasis is put on (3) the
separation from the past and (4) creating a sense of that important change is needed. (5) A strong leader role
should support the change to increase its legitimacy, (6) where political sponsorship is sought to create a solid
base for the change then sets the stage for (7) the development of an implementation plan. (8) Enabling
structures should be put into place to help implement the change such as pilot tests, training, and reward
programs. (9) Change communication should be open and honest and involve all stakeholders in the change
process. (10) Finally, the change needs to be reinforced and institutionalized to incorporate new behaviors in
day-to-day operations.
Kotter’s Eight-Step Model: (1) establishing a sense of urgency in which employees are alerted to the fact that
change is essential. (2) A guiding coalition is formed which in turn (3) develops the change vision. (4) This vision
is communicated to employees and (5) the coalition (and employees) is involved in the change process by
developing change plans. (6) The next step promotes short-term wins to reinforce the change implementation.
(7) Then, he defines the consolidation stage which strengthens and continues the change by making additional
changes that were not implemented yet but need to be taken care for as otherwise processes in the
organization would not be sufficiently aligned with the initial change vision. (8) The final stage institutionalizes
the change by integrating it with the organization’s structures and systems.
Hiatt’s ADKAR Model: (1) “Awareness” involves promoting employee beliefs that change is needed. It involves
creating a change vision and communicating it. (2) The “desire” stage entails the implementation of the change
vision and focuses on empowering employees to be actively involved in the change. (3) Employee knowledge
and skills are developed to support their participation in the change. (4) Finally, in the reinforcement stage, the
changes are strengthened and consolidated into the organizations’ processes and structures.
, BA: Leadership and Change Management
Literature Summary LCP 2020/2021
The models share certain steps. In order to validate the scientific
substantiation of the models, a search has been done with keywords Organizational Change, Planned Change
and Change Management. A table has been created (Table 1, page 756) in which the different steps of the
models are compared. The models have been merged into 10 steps:
1) Assess the Opportunity or Problem Motivating the Change
2) Select and Support a Guiding Change Coalition
3) Formulate a Clear Compelling Vision of the Change
4) Communicate the Vision
5) Mobilize Energy for Change
6) Empower others to Act
7) Develop and Promote Change-Related Knowledge and Ability
8) Identify Short-Term Wins and Use as Reinforcement of Change Progress
9) Monitor and Strengthen the Change Process over Time
10) Institutionalize Change in Company Culture, Practices and Management Succession
Evidence-based 10 Steps:
1) Get Facts Regarding the Nature of the Problem
2) Assess and Address the Organization’s Readiness for Change
3) Implement Evidence-Based Change Interventions
4) Develop Effective Change Leadership Throughout the Organization
5) Develop and Communicate a Compelling Change Vision
6) Work with Social Networks and Tap Their Influence
7) Use Enabling Practices to Support Implementation (Goal setting, Learning, Employee Participation,
Fairness and Justice and Transitional Structures)
8) Promote Micro-Processes and Experimentation
9) Assess Change Progress and Outcomes over Time
10) Institutionalize the Change to Sustain Its Effectiveness