500 years of globalisation: week 1
6 september 2018
Definitie globalisering
- Scholte: ‘’for Scholte, globalization is deterriorialization or supraterriorialism’’
o Liberalisme, westernazation is het volgens hem niet. De macht van natiestaten wordt overgedragen
naar internationale organisaties of multinationals. D
o Westernization: verwestering = verspreiden van westerse culturen, politieke bestuursvormen,
economische organisaties
o Internationalisering is geen globalisering: meer contacten tussen natiestaten, maar met de grenzen
en politieke organisaties gebeurt niet veel (soevereiniteit opgeven valt meer onder
o Martell:
- Giddens: ‘’can be defined as the intensification of world-wide social relations which link distant localtities n
such a wau that local happenings are shaped by events occurring many miles away and vice cersa. This is a
dialectical process because such local happenings may move in an observe direction from the very
distanciated relations that shape them. Local transformation is as musch a part of globalization as the lateral
extension of social connections across time and space.’’
o Bewustzijn van één wereld, nadruk op relaties over de hele wereld; wereldwijde verbindingen
worden intenser, verbinding met wereld wordt van belang voor globalisering
- Holton:
- Held et al: globalisering verbindt mensen, samen meer bereiken door grotere netwerken, grotere intensiteit
binnen bestaande netwerken: hij is op zoek naar wat er met die verbindingen moet gebeuren om te spreken
van een globaliseringsproces, netwerken worden groter en intensiever gebruikt. Het moet een
betekenisvolle impact hebben binnen het netwerk (vroegmoderne tijd: handelsmaatschappijen -> is dat al
globalisering? Dat kunnen we nog geen globalisering noemen, omdat het om luxehandel gaat: alleen voor
elite dus geen grote impact)
- Osterhammel & Petersson:
Hoorcollege – 11 sept, week 2
Definition globalisation:
- Briefly and informally: increasing global interconnectedness (compression, integration)
- More formally: process of global economic, political, and cultural integration
- Increasing interaction between economic, political, and cultural processes that were spatially separate thus
- Martell: compression of space (requirements: global, inclusive, interdependent, stable, masses,
consciousness): in the rest of the book he talks about internationalization, not about globalisation
Spatial extent of globalisation: how far removed it have to be? What’s the minimum to speak about globalisation?
The word:
- Term globalisation became popular in ‘90s (French alternative ‘’mondialisation didn’t make it)
- Thought to capture the spirit of the era (think: global village)
- From 1996-2005 used in critical manner by anti-globalists.
Big concepts:
Globalisation is related to other big concepts in history: modernisation, industrialisation, imperialism and
colonialism. Also similar in being an important, broad, yet contested concept to characterise time periods. However,
globalisation lacks a strong (historical) body of theory.
Historical debated: globalisation plays a role in a number of historical subfields:
- World systems (Wallerstein):
- Imperialism and colonialism
- Migration history
- International relations
- Global and world history
Dimensions: increasing interaction can occur in multiple dimensions