Marketing management
Universiteit Leiden
Prof. Dr. J. I. van der Rest
September – October 2020
Lecture 1 – Defining Marketing and the Marketing process
Chapter 1 Marketing: creating and capturing customer value
Wat is marketing: American marketing association 1935)
- The performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods, and services from producers
to consumers
o Managerial function to coordinate demand and supply
o Production of goods and services
o Marketing is a business activity
o The object of investigation is the business column
o Increasing efficiency or reduction of costs
In de eerste helft van de 20ste eeuw was economie vooral gefocust op het bedrijf en niet op de
consumenten. Toen was marketing nog geen op zichzelf staand vak. Het doel van marketing is het
verhogen van de efficiency hoe het product van het bedrijf naar de consument gaat.
Wat is marketing: american marketing association 1985
- Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception pricing, promotion and
distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that satisfy individual and
organizational objectives
o Purpose of marketing is satisfying exchanges
Focus op nieuwe klanten en uitbreiding
o Marketing as both an individual and managerial organisation function
o Customer dissatisfaction and protecting customers
o Increasing efficiency (or fulfilling, wants and needs)
Wat is marketing: american marketing association 2004
- Marketing is an organisational function and a set of processes for creating communicating and
delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the
organization and its stakeholders
o Marketing’s purpose is to create value
relaties laten ontstaan waardoor klanten blijven, niet telkens nieuwe
transacties maar focus op bestaande klanten
o Importance of managing relationship with stakeholders
o Marketing as an organisational function and activity
o From a transaction to a relationship focus
Wat is marketing: american marketing association, 2007, 2013, 2017
,- Marketing is the activity, set of institutions and processes for creating communicating, delivering
and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large
o Marketing’s purpose is to create value
o Reflects the discipline’s broader role in society
o Marketing as an educational process
Definition marketing – Kotler
The process by which companies create value for customers and build strong relationships in order to
capture value from customers in return
- Something that marketing is just another word for sales. The literally definition is being active on
- Verkoop draagt bij aan marketing, maar is absoluut niet hetzelfde. Verkoop draagt bij aan deze
The marketing process
1. Understand the marketplace and consumer needs and wants
2. Design a customer driven marketing strategy
3. Construct an integrated marketing program that delivers superior value
4. Build profitable relationships and create customer delight
5. Capture value from customers to create profits and customer equity
Ongoing process
Step 1 Understand the marketplace and consumer needs and wants
What value – klantwaarde
In the narrowest sense a utility trade-off between benefit and sacrifice, and in the broadest sense a
combined utilitarian (nut) – hedonic response , which:
,- Implies and interaction between a subject and an object
- Is relative by virtue of its comparative, personal and situational nature
- Is preferential, perceptual, and cognitive affective in nature
Customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a marketing
offer relative to those of competing offers
Hedonische consumpties: klant waarde niet alleen maar trade-off tussen benefit en sacrifice maar er
zit ook blijheid en geluk in. Een object heeft geen klant waarde, het is iemand of iets die waarde
eraan hecht. Klant waarde is niet absoluut, voorkeuren kunnen veranderen.
Understanding the marketplace
- Needs, wants, demands
- Marketing offerings (i.e. products, services, experiences)
- Customer value and satisfaction
- Exchanges and relationships
- Market
o Econoom: vraag en aanbod
o Jurist: ruil zonder restricties
The human need is the most basic concept underlying marketing. An example of such need is thirst.
When this need is not satisfied we will try to look for an object that will satisfy out need or try to
reduce the need. Then an unsatisfied need (a desire) takes a
concrete shape, we speak of wants. Thus if thirst is the need, then
water can be our want. A want is so the object of our desire. As
soon as we are prepared to use means of exchange to obtain the
object of our desire, the want changes into demand. A means of
exchange is an object of value which as long as it is in sufficient
quantity, can be used as payment. When two parties exchange
something of value, we speak of a transaction. A collection of
transactions is called a market.
Marketing myopia – marketing bijzienheid
- Needs
o States of deprivation
Physical – food, clothing, warmth, safety
Social – belonging and affection
Individual – knowledge and self-expression
- Wants
o Form that needs take as they are shaped by culture an individualism
- Demands
o Wants backed by buying power
Marketing myopia is als er teveel gefocust word op het wants-niveau en te weinig op het needs-
niveau, want needs-niveau verteld waarom er een need is. Er zijn producten die komen en gaan maar
behoeftes blijven en daarom moet je mee met de markt. Know the market place and your customers.
- The company target knows who you are
o Their research about consumers got Target to send specific adds to its costumers
, Step 2 Design a marketing strategy (STP)
- Selecting customers to serve: segmentation and targeting
o Niet veel geld uitgeven om iedereen te bereiking, maar heel specifiek consumenten
- Deciding on a value proposition: differentiating and positioning
- Selecting customers to serve
o Customer value propositions or selling propositions are the sum total of benefits a
customer is promised to receive in return for his or her patronage and the associated
o A customer value proposition is what is promised by a company’s marketing and
sales efforts and then fulfilled by its delivery and customer service processes