Authors Title Introduction/theoretical background Key insights/deliverables Conclusion/Managerial Implications Methodology
Tripsas Unraveling the Two perspectives on the process of creative Although the typesetter industry has undergone three Concluding, when specialized Qualitative +
(1997) Process of Creative destruction: 1) incumbents lose because their competence-destroying technological changes, in only one complementary assets are devalued in quantitative over
Destruction: lack in technologically superiority, or 2) of these cases incumbents were displaced by new entrants. addition to competence being destroyed, 100 years in all
Complementary incumbents win because of their All typesetter organizations invested in generating the effect of being an incumbent is firms in the
Assets and establishments. Three factor that influence competence-destroying technology, and did so even far significant and negative. typesetter
Incumbent Survival commercial success in technological change: 1) earlier than new entrants. However, their quality lacked industry
in the Typesetter investment, 2) technical capabilities, and 3) behind those of new entrants, due to handicap resulting
Industry appropriability through complementary assets. from their prior experience. This did only harm them if in
Prior research states incumbents invest less if addition, their specialized complementary assets were also
the change is radical and is meeting new devalued (which was the case in only one generation). In
customer demands. Also technical capabilities case they were not, they retained market share.
might help them or be a handicap in
innovating. Lastly, specialized complementary
assets might help to survive.
Hillebrand Customer Some argue customer orientation assures The baseline model consists of: 1) strength of R&D, and 2) Future market focus is key in being Survey among
et al. (2011) orientation and innovation, sometimes co-created, where willingness to cannibalize sales, routines and investments. innovative. However, don't forget about 217 small and
future market focus others pose this focus is likely to miss new Results: Firm innovativeness is the result of both strong R&D customer orientation. It is needed for medium-sized
in NSD opportunities and therefore result in inertia. and willingness to cannibalize on routines and previous superior customer value and might help in service firms
Customer orientation is needed for superior investments (n.s. for sales). Customer orientation negatively incremental innovation (perfecting a
customer value creation. However, it may influences willingness to cannibalize current sales and prior specific service). However, it won't result in
make you market-driven, resulting in only investment (n.s. for routines). Future market focus radical innovations. So combine customer
incremental innovations instead of significantly positively influences all three dimensions of orientation with future market focus. In
acknowledging emerging trends and willingness to cannibalize. Small firms (control variables) are order to do so, firms must also use
innovations. Therefore, a future market focus more agile where innovation is concerned. qualitative research, next to commonly
might help as it makes you more driving used quantitative surveys.
Workman Marketing's Limited We know NPD is different in high-tech firms Zytek's engineering-driven culture is the biggest impediment Concluding, marketing's role in Zytek is 37 interviews and
(1993) Role in New Product than in consumer goods, however little is to marketing's role in NPD. This is highly reflected in the more one of refinement and feedback than an observation at
Development in known about marketing's role in this. Zytek has importance of the STF (where no marketeer is in) and in the of initiation of new product concepts. Also Zytek
One Computer several process and committees for NPD of attitude of the CEO. Zytek's organization structure and marketing groups in Zytek play an
Systems Firm which the Phase Review Process and the processes are another reason why marketing's influence is important role in forming coalitions and
System Task Force are the most important. In limited. Thirdly, because of time pressures, engineers tend linking specific projects underway in
te latter, marketeers are not included. to directly interact with customers. The ways in which engineering with high-level corporate
Moreover, much informal processes arise in marketers of Zytek tend to perform influence is via informal strategy. Since marketing does not have
the company for NPD. networks. Marketers also used the electronic bulletin board such a big rol in NPD in high-tech
to communicate. Another way the marketeers try to companies, they must learn to work with
perform influence is via strategic coalitions with high-level the imposed constraints. Marketers must
managers to override a proposed project or to choose know that their role may be more subtle
between competing projects. Lastly, marketers are ought to and indirect. Much knowledge of the