Short revision summary Academic Project
Premaster Business Administration 2020-2021
Chapters: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12
Shannon Karhof – Grade 8.5
Table of contents
1. Foundation of Research Methods.......................................................................................................2
2. Ethics..................................................................................................................................................3
3. Qualitative Approaches to Research...................................................................................................5
4. Sampling.............................................................................................................................................7
5: Introduction to measurement............................................................................................................9
6: Scales, tests and indexes..................................................................................................................11
7. Survey Research...............................................................................................................................14
8. Introduction to Design......................................................................................................................17
9. Experimental Design.........................................................................................................................19
10. Quasi-Experimental Design.............................................................................................................21
11. Introduction to Data Analysis.........................................................................................................23
12. Inferential Analysis.........................................................................................................................25
,1. Foundation of Research Methods
Types of research by practice continuum
Basic research generate discoveries + understanding how they work
Applied research discovery tested under controlled context in real world conditions
Implementation and dissemination research how well discovery carried out in broad range of
contexts that extend beyond the original controlled studies
Impact research the impact of the broader effects on society
Policy research investigate existing policies and developing/testing new ones
Two major types of research synthesis:
Meta-analysis statistical methods, drawing general conclusions quantitatively
Systematic review focus on specific issue/question, pre-planned methods, often panel of experts
Practical guideline a specific set of research based recommendations for practice + evidence
Evidence-based practice (EPB) requires practice based on evidence shown in syntheses/guideline
Cross-sectional studies one point in time
Longitudinal studies over time
Repeated measures 2 waves over time
Time series multiple waves over time
The independent variable variable you can manipulate
The dependent variable variable affected by the independent variable.
The hypothetico-deductive model two mutually exclusive hypotheses, exhaustive, only1 accepted
(Theory – hypothesis – observation – confirmation)
Deductive approach more general to more specific (top-down & quantitative tests theory)
Inductive approach specific to generalizations (bottom-up & qualitative builds theory)
(Confirmation – observation – hypothesis – theory)
Hourglass model
1. Broad questions
2. Narrow down
3. Operationalize
4. Observe
5. Analyze data
6. Reach conclusions
7. Generalize back to questions
Validity quality of research the accuracy with which theory is translated into a measure
Samples, measures and designs don’t have validity, only propositions can be valid or invalid
1. Conclusion validity (bottom) degree conclusions drawn on relationships are reasonable
2. Internal validity degree conclusions drawn on cause-effect relationships are true
3. Construct validity how well your program measures reflect the idea/theory
4. External validity (top validity) The degree conclusions hold for other persons/times
, 2. Ethics
4 Historical cases of unethical research
Nuremberg code – after WW2 Nazi’s doing human experiments on concentration-camp inmates
- informed consent, voluntary participation, justification for research, benefits outweigh risk
- first international document informed consent and benefits outweigh risks
Stanley Milgram’s Obedience Inflicting punishment on learners by electric shocks.
- Conflict between obedience toward authority and one’s personal conscience.
- Awareness psychological harm
Thalidomide tragedy Birth defects due to Thalimode sedative
Kefauver-Harris Amendments – 1962 amendments of food, drug, cosmetic act
- Evidence of safety products, fully informed, voluntary participation in trials
Declaration of Helsinki - 1964 Principles to guide medical research practice
The Tuskegee Syphilis Study – until 1970 40 year study on impact of untreated syphilis on men
- Low income African Americans were led to believe they were being treated, but weren’t
- Major stimuli for the Belmont Conference
Evolution of a modern system of research ethics
National research act – 1974
First serious attempt to build a comprehensive system of research ethics in US.
- Guidelines human research to oversees/regulate human experiments
The Belmont Report
includes basic standards for biomedical and behavioral research involving human participants
- Respect for persons (voluntary), beneficence (benefits/harms), justice (fair+ respect rights)
Related guidelines on human subject participation (4)
Privacy anonymity + confidentiality
Deception misleading information
Debriefing providing all info of the study
Right to service (2) The right of participants to the best available services
1. Placebo allowed if necessary for scientific comparison of a treatment
2. Ethical dilemma pre-test to ensure who needs treatment gets it
Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) review research proposals in respect to ethical implication
- Submit Protocol Detailed document summarizing purpose and procedures of the study
Ethics in Clinical Research
before a drug could be marketed to a population
- Phase 1: Small group: safety/dosage/side-effects
- Phase 2: Larger group: effectiveness + further evaluation of safety
- Phase 3: Large groups: using highly controlled design side-effects/effectiveness/safety