Epoch (Sur-)Name (of Year / Title (of most important Relevance for Psychology
historical figures decade contribution(s))
or Schools) of
tion or
Renaissance Descartes Dualism He was the one who proposed the idea of dualism, with mind and the body as two separated
entities. Person is not considered as one organism, but as two entities: the mind, that is only
spiritual or unrealistic, and the body, being primarily physical and materialistic. He believed that
these two entities are connected somehow as we are able to think and then make a movement.
Opening a discussion how these two influence each other. He also thought that we have some
innate ideas, intuitions specifically, already in our brain when we are born
Enlightenment Locke 1689 An Essay Concerning Human Represents current in philosophy that criticized innatist perspective of Descartes as they believed
Understanding that all knowledge is based only on experience, introducing the idea of Tabula Rasa shaped by
experience and learning.
Tabula Rasa with the idea that there is nothing in the mind that has not previously been perceived.
Thus, we have objects that stimulate our sense organs and they then give these sensations that
produce copies in our mind, which is then a simple idea (copy of the object). Whereas complex idea
forms afterwards with grouping/connecting different simple ideas gathered by different sensations.
He insists that simple idea is produced through different senses. Emphasis on the experience and
the mind to form ideas.
We have five external sense organs and one internal organ (6th sense) that allows us to observe
what is happening inside our mind and to reflect on it, referred to as reflection (nowadays
introspection). Reflection also enables us to connection simple ideas into more complex ones. As in
order to perceive we need an organ – internal and external. We should be aware of this inner organ
and practice it through introspection.
Complex idea can be analysed and subdivided into components.
Wolff 1732 Psychologia Empirica First and most favourite psychologist of the 18th century. He published textbook on psychology
1734 Psychologia Rationalis separated into two parts Empirical and Rational psychology, where he tried to sympathize with both
currents and their insights, combining it to one whole. As he wanted to develop psychology as a
“Vis Representativa”: the power to perceive. Although he tried to combine both currents, he still
believed that the most important basic human capacity of the mind is perception. Once we perceive
we are then able to subdivide other capacities of feelings and emotions.
Moritz 1785- Anton Reiser First psychological novel with story about a young man written in third person, therefore can be
1790 considered as a psychological novel as it focuses on Raiser’s inner life (introducing introspection).
1783- Magazin zur Erfahrungsseelenkunde
Kant 1775 Kant criticizing Psychology of his time Critique: Kant was rather critical of Wolff intentions of making psychology a serious science
discipline. He criticized his attempt that psychology of that time could not be considered as real
natural science, because psychology was missing a theoretical framework with a lot of introspection
and observation but without clear concepts and theories; some laws that were missing consensus,
, and repeatable observations as all observations were based on introspection
Kant 1798 Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point Represents a very ambitious project that kept Kant entertained during the last years of his life. He
of View was very critical of psychology of his time therefore he proposed new alternative of studying the
functioning of the human mind works should be observed under the principles of anthropology.
Main point of his publication is to establish generalizations based on the observation of human
behaviour in society. This approach has two advantages, on the one hand we do not have to rely on
introspection, which cannot be repeated thus we do not have a problem with methodology
anymore, and on the other hand by using anthropology we solve the problem of dualism. He
explored three main arguments that linked him to the Jean Jacques Rousseau who thought that the
child is by nature good and is later corrupted by the society and harshness of discipline. Kant’s
observations would lead him to have a certain position
Mesmer 1766 The Influence of the Planets on the Mesmerism is a form of hypnotism used by physician F. A. Mesmer who lived in the 19th century
Human Body and developed the state that we nowadays refer to as hypnotism. His attempt was to help people
with headaches to defuse the pain they were in.
19th century Braid 1843 Neurohypnology Published a book Neurohypnology where he tried to explain hypnosis in a more acceptable way for
other physicians as it is linked to a very natural state. He also explained in relation to the brain and
neuro system thus it was not seen as magic, comparing to Mesmer whose work was criticized.
Darwin 1859 The Origin of Species Makes people see that people are close to animals
Sechenov 1863 Reflexes of the Brain In his book Reflexes of the Brain he introduced electrophysiology and neurophysiology into
(human psychology in Russia) laboratories and education of medicine. He has greatly influenced Pavlov, to which he referred to as
“the father of Russian physiology and scientific psychology”.
Focus on study the brain. Where idea was that the brain cells are connected and that the
connection between these cells are purely reflexive and automatic. So it is a more mechanistic
approach these physiologists have.
Darwin 1871 The Descent of man We are not a different kind of beings but the difference is just in certain level. Everything that
human being has, an animal also has, mainly apes and higher developed monkeys. These are very
close to use, therefore we cannot actually think of ourselves as totally different kind of organism or
being explaining continuity between animals and human beings. The aspect that excels the human
being and (idea survival of the fittest)
Darwin 1872 The Expression of the Emotions in Man One of his later books that contributed directly to the psychology. Darwin was interested in showing
and Animals how similar human beings and animals are. He was influenced by empiricist traditions, therefore he
wanted to this comparison on empirical level of what can be observed easily on the psychological
level. He found that these are emotions as these happen to a person from the outside and can be
easily observed. Thus, he was interested to what extent human beings’ express emotions in a
similar was as animals. He made an observation on domestic animals, dogs and cats specifically, of
how they express their emotions through their body. He did not only use animals but also children,
being neutral in expressing their emotions, and actors, being professionals in expressing emotions.
He explored the parallelism between expressions of emotions amid human beings and animals.
Reaction of fear was easier to be explained than reactions of other emotions.
Nancy (Bernheim) 1880s Both school, Nancy and Salpetriere were working with hypnosis, however they had different views.
versus Salpetriere In Nancy School psychiatrists observed that every normal person can get hypnotized, whereas in the