Avans Hogeschool (AVANS) • International Business & Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business & Management op de Avans Hogeschool (AVANS). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Business & Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business & Management op de Avans Hogeschool (AVANS).
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Vakken International Business & Management op de Avans Hogeschool (AVANS)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Business & Management op Avans Hogeschool (AVANS)
- Fiancial & Management Accounting 1
- Finance 3
- Financial & Management Accounting ISIB1BE-FMA1-01 1
- Financial & Management Accounting II 2
- Financial & Management Decisions Module code: ISIB2BV-FMD-01 3
- Financial Accounting 1
- Financial Accounting Management 1
- Financial and management accounting 3
- Financial and Management Accounting I ISIB1BE-FMA1-01 1
- Financial and Management Accounting II ISIB1BP-FMA2-01 1
- Financial and Management Decisions 2
- Financial and Managment Decisions 1
- Financial Management 4
- Financiële Analyse 1
- IBA awareness 3
- IBA economics 1
- IBA Law 1
- Intercultural Proficiency 2 ISIB1BR-IP2-01 1
- Intercultural Proficiency II 3
- International Business Awareness ISIB1BO-IBA1-01 13
- International Business Awareness Quarter 1 ISIB1BO-IBA1-01 1
- International business awereness economics IBA1 1
- International economics 1
- International Marketing & Sales II 1
- International marketing and sales ISIB1BO-IMS1-01 2
- Introduction to Data Management 1
- Investement decisions 2
- Investment Decisions 2
- Investment decisions Y2 Q1 1
- Investments Decisions 1
- Omgevingsanalyse 2
- Onderzoek 2
- Operation & Supply Chain Management I 1
- Operation Supply Chain Management 1
- Operations & Supply Chain Management ISIB4SBD-BCSC-01 2
- Operations & Supply Chain Management I 1
- Operations & Supply Chain Management II 2
- Operations and Supply Chain Management ISIB1BE-OSM1-01 3
- Operations and Supply chain management II ISIB1BP-OSCM2-01 2
- Operations and Supplychain management ISIB1BE-OSM1-01 1
- Operations and supplychain management Quarter 3 ISIB1BP-OSCM2-01 1
- Operations in Supply Chain Management ISIB1BE-OSM1-01 1
- Operations& Supply chain management 1
- Organisatioan and people 1
- Organisation & People 2
- Organisation and People ISIB1BO-OP1-02 2
- Organisation and People I 1
- Organisation&People 1
- Organization & People 1
- Organizational Behavior Management OP1 3
- Service Industries 1 ISIB1BE-SI1-01 1
- Service Industry ISIB1IBS-SI2-01 5
- Service Industry 2 ISIB1BP-SI2-01 1
- Service Industry I 3
- Service Industry II 3
- Service Industry quarter 2 ISIB1BP-SI2-01 1
- Service Industry Quarter 3 ISIB1BE-SI1-01 2
- Service Industry Y1Q3 1
- Spaans 2
- Spanish 2
- Statistiek 1
- Strategic Finance 1
- Supply chain management 6
- Sustainability 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Avans Hogeschool (AVANS) • International Business & Management
Jan Peters • ISBN 9781783659449
Stephen P. Robbins, Timothy A. Judge • ISBN 9781292221533
Bill George, Herminia Ibarra • ISBN 9780787969134
Cecil B. Bozarth, Robert B. Handfield • ISBN 9781292291581
ISBN 9788484434184
Nieuwste samenvattingen Avans Hogeschool (AVANS) • International Business & Management
A summary of chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the book introduction to operations and supply chain managment. 
+ power points 
+ lectures
A summary of Chapter 1, 2, 3 from finance and management accounting of the powerpoints, lectures and additional information from the books + examples. Based on International business Year 1 quarter 1 and 2.
Summary of the book, powerpoints and lectures of international marketing ans sales from international business avans Breda year 1 quarter 1. 
Chapter 1, 20 (p.611, 612), 8, 7 (199,200), 14, 10, 12, 3, swot theory
A summary of the book + samenvatting of the lectures and powerpoints.
A summary of powerpoint/ lecutures + additional information from book
Summary of economics powerpoints + lectures
A summary of the book and lectures of International business chapter 4, 6, 11 and 12.
A summary of the luctures and powerpoints of Culture and Ethicsin Asian Business Relations for international business at avans Breda year 1 quarter 1.
A summary written for the subject currency risk. Given at Avans, study international business, quarter 1, year 3. It covers chapers 6,7,8,10 and 11.
In Year 3 Quarter 2 of the Bachelor International Business (and Management), a Business Plan for a specific company is required. This Business Plan is for an expansion of De Koekfabriek. By receiving a 7.5, this plan definitely will help you to gain enough inspiration to pass your project.