BUAS • International Leisure and Event Management
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Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Leisure and Event Management op BUAS
Nieuwste samenvattingen BUAS • International Leisure and Event Management
A summary of the book Business Model Generation by Osterwalder. Everything for Progress Test is covered in the summary.
A summary of all chapters you must know for the PGT in Semester 2.
A summary of the book Organisational Behaviour by Gert Alblas and Ella Wijsman. All chapters for the PGT are covered in this summary.
A summary of Creativity in Business by Igor Byttebier. All theory for the PGT is covered in this summary.
A summary of Peter Wijngaarden's book Guest Experience Management.
A summary of the EBook Operations Management in the Service Sector written by Joyce Walsta.
A summary of chapter 4 and 6 of the book 'Leader Effectiveness Training' written by Thomas Gordon.
This is a summary of chapter 1 and 5 of the book 'The 7 habits of highly effective people' written by Stephen Covey.
This document is a summary of chapter 2, 8 and 9 of the book 'Events as a strategic marketing tool' written by Gerritsen and van Olderen.
This is a summary of the complete book Leisure! written by Martijn Mulder.