Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor MSc Strategic Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Vakken MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van MSc Strategic Management op Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
- Changing Business Strategically BSMSM09 14
- Changing Business through Strategic Innovation BMSM06 4
- Competitive strategy BMSM10 1
- Competitive Strategy - BMSM10 BMSM10 1
- Corporate ownership and governance 1
- Corporate Strategy (BMSM12) BMSM12 1
- Corporate Strategy and Growth BMSM03 12
- Corporate Strategy Ownership and Governance BMSM04 7
- Corporate Strategy, Ownership and Governance BMSM04 2
- Corporate Strategy, Ownership, and Governance BMSM04 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
Nieuwste samenvattingen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
Full summary of all articles, videos, lectures, and book chapters for the course Corporate Strategy and Growth (BMSM03) for the MSc Strategic Management at the Rotterdam School of Management. 
Includes: Bowman, C. and V. Ambrosini (2003). How the resource-based and dynamic capability views of the firm inform corporate-level strategy. British Journal of Management, 14 (4): 289-303.Collis, D.J. and C.A. Montgomery (1998). Creating corporate advantage. Harvard Business Review, 76 (3):70-83.Puranam,...
Santos, F. & Eisenhardt, K., 2005. Organizational Boundaries and Theories of Organization, 
Organization Science, 16 (5) (you should be able to explain and apply alternative theories of (the) 
firm (boundaries) to existing cases. 
Ketokivi, M. & Mahoney, J.T. (2017) Transaction Cost Economics as a Theory of the Firm, 
Management, and Governance. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. 
Retrieved 28 Aug. 2019 (the focus should be on the general concepts and expl...
The summary of Corporate Ownership and Governance includes all required readings, cases, and notes of the lecture. Includes the following articles: antos, F. & Eisenhardt, K., 2005. Organizational Boundaries and Theories of Organization, Organization Science, 16 (5), Ketokivi, M. & Mahoney, J.T. (2017) Transaction Cost Economics as a Theory of the Firm, Management, and Governance. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Retrieved 28 Aug. 2019 , ansmann, H. (1988). Ownership o...
A short summary of Corporate Strategy and Growth covering all essential content of video's, articles, book chapters, and lectures. Includes the following articles: Bowman, C. and V. Ambrosini (2003). How the resource-based and dynamic capability views of the firm inform corporate-level strategy. British Journal of Management, 14 (4): 289-303.Collis, D.J. and C.A. Montgomery (1998). Creating corporate advantage. Harvard Business Review, 76 (3):70-83.Puranam, P. and B. Vanneste (2016). Corporate ...
Summary on articles, book, lectures and videos combined. 
Sources (besides book): 
Plenary sessions 2022 CSG RSM Raymond van Wijk 
•	Bauer, F. and K. Matzler (2014). Antecedents of M&A success: The role of strategic complementarity, cultural fit, and degree and speed of integration. Strategic Management Journal, 35 (2): 269-291. 
•	Steigenberger, N. (2017). The challenge of integration: A review of the M&A integration literature, International Journal of Mana...
A detailed summary of Corporate Strategy and Growth including summaries of all videos, articles, book chapters, and lectures. Includes the following articles: Bowman, C. and V. Ambrosini (2003). How the resource-based and dynamic capability views of the firm inform corporate-level strategy. British Journal of Management, 14 (4): 289-303.Collis, D.J. and C.A. Montgomery (1998). Creating corporate advantage. Harvard Business Review, 76 (3):70-83.Puranam, P. and B. Vanneste (2016). Corporate strate...
This is an in-depth summary of all pre-work modules, lecture notes, and workshop notes for the MSc Strategic Management course Changing Business Strategically. Everything that is exam-relevant is included in these notes. The summary was written by a cum laude RSM student.
This is an in-depth summary of the whole course content required for the exam and lecture preparations. It includes all pre-work modules, lecture notes, and workshop notes. It was written by a cum laude RSM student.
Contains all relevant info from lectures articles and videos (grade: 8.1)
Mindmap/Summary of the whole course 'changing businesses strategically