Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor MSc Strategic Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR).
Vakken MSc Strategic Management op de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van MSc Strategic Management op Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR)
- Changing Business Strategically BSMSM09 14
- Changing Business through Strategic Innovation BMSM06 4
- Competitive strategy BMSM10 1
- Competitive Strategy - BMSM10 BMSM10 1
- Corporate ownership and governance 1
- Corporate strategy BMSM12 1
- Corporate Strategy (BMSM12) BMSM12 1
- Corporate Strategy and Growth BMSM03 12
- Corporate Strategy Ownership and Governance BMSM04 7
- Corporate Strategy, Ownership and Governance BMSM04 2
- Corporate Strategy, Ownership, and Governance BMSM04 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
Nieuwste samenvattingen Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam (EUR) • MSc Strategic Management
This summary offers in-depth and detailed summaries of all required readings, videos and lectures of the course "Changing Business Strategically"
This summary approaches how to adapt and survive change within the technological, relational and psycological dimension. It adresses themes as inertia, business inovation, strategic alliances, open inovation, transformational leadership, and much more. Here, you will find a content summary of all theory lectures, videos and mandatory literature. Sull DN. 1999. Why good companies go bad. Harvard Business Review 77(4): 42-+. Kapoor R, Klueter T. 2015. Decoding the Adaptability–Rigidity Puzzle: ...
This summary is written for the RSM MSc Strategic Management course CBS academic year 2022/2023. It includes content on all theory sessions, videos, and literature. Note: the cases and skills sessions are not summarised in here. 
Sull DN. 1999. Why good companies go bad. Harvard Business Review 77(4): 42-+. 
Kapoor R, Klueter T. 2015. Decoding the Adaptability–Rigidity Puzzle: Evidence from Pharmaceutical Incumbents’ Pursuit of Gene Therapy and Monoclonal Antibodies. Academy ...
This is a mindmap of the whole course of managing business strategically
This summary contains ... 
1. Information from the lectures of content module 1-6, 
2. Relevant strategic models, 
3. and information from the following articles: 
-Value Creation and Value Capture: A Multilevel Perspective (Lepak, Smith, Taylor 2007) 
- Dynamic Capabilities: What are They? (Eisenhardt & Martin, 2000) 
- Competitor Analysis and Interfirm Rivalry: Toward A Theoretical Integration (Chen, 1996) 
- Blind Spots in Competitive Analysis (Zahra & Chaples, 1993) 
- Tesla’s...
The thesis defence presentation includes the most invaluable information from the research paper, so findings, methodology - research methods, hypotheses, results and their visualisation on slides etc.
Thesis's proposal
The last element of the thesis helps you to organize your appendices structurally.
The last chapter includes a deep discussion of the results, theoretical contribution to the existing research, managerial implications, limitations and suggestions for further research, as well as a conclusion.
The empirical results chapter illustrates the main results of this paper and the very common - Pearson Correlation matrix table, as well as a detailed description.