Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS) • International Business
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business op de Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Business? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business op de Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS).
Vakken International Business op de Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Business op Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS)
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Nieuwste samenvattingen Fontys Hogeschool (FONTYS) • International Business
The exam questions are 70% HR related and 30% Culture related. The summary I made is about the HR part. The questions are all open. You just have to explain what you have learned each week. If you learn the summary well, you will explain each subject and have a high chance of passing the course.
Summary of the book and lessons on finance and management. The summary includes time value of money, capital budgeting, stock market and debt financing.
Lecture notes from the Business Process Management course. Summary of these theories: key definitions, push & pull, forecasting, incoterms, logistics and inventory.
Lecture notes from the business process management (Process) course. Brief summary of these theories: balance score board, strategy map, value chain, Porter and Ishikawa.
Lesson notes from the course business process management people. Short summary of these theories: safety culture, leadership skills and managers vs leaders.
These are lesson notes from the Business Process Management course. This teaching material is discussed: key terms of supply chain, the 4 v's, forecast methods and process mapping.
These notes are aimed at the HR side of Business Process management. Material that occurs: HRM strategy, organizational culture, Iceberg theory, eight demenitons of company culture and performance appraisal.
This is a summary of the business research course as the third course of business research in the international business course. It provides information about the types of research, how to interview, what ways there are to choose a sample, etc.
This is a summary of the first finance and accounting course of the international business course at Fontys. Various topics are discussed, such as: financial statement, time value of money, equity financing, debt financing, and ratio analysis.
Customer satisfaction report individual assignment.