Operations and Sales
Haagse Hogeschool (HHS)
Populaire samengevatte studieboeken

Operations Management:Processes and Supply Chains: Global Edition
Lee J. Krajewski, Larry P. Ritzman
1 documenten
Alle 2 resultaten
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6 subjects of IB Year 2 THUAS
- Voordeelbundel • 6 items • 2021
- €17,09
- 2x verkocht
- + meer info
Dear Year 2 students,

This is a bundle of 6 subjects discounted from €34,29 to €25,49. The bundle covers the subjects People and organization, Law, Finance and control, Economics, Marketing and sales and Operations and sales.

The content per summary varies, but all summaries should cover the theory needed for the exams. 

Good luck!

Summary study material book+lectures Operations & Sales IB year 1 test ready
- Samenvatting • 40 pagina's • 2021
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €4,49
- 21x verkocht
- + meer info
Summary of all study material (book + class) needed for the exam 
Competitive advantages-sales-procurement-managing processes-manufacturing and processes-process analysis and improvement-Load & Capacity-Forecasting-Planning & Scheduling-Inventory-Quality-Logistics

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