Hogeschool Utrecht (HU) • International Business and Management Studies / IB
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business and Management Studies / IB op de Hogeschool Utrecht (HU). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Business and Management Studies / IB? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business and Management Studies / IB op de Hogeschool Utrecht (HU).
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Vakken International Business and Management Studies / IB op de Hogeschool Utrecht (HU)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Business and Management Studies / IB op Hogeschool Utrecht (HU)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Hogeschool Utrecht (HU) • International Business and Management Studies / IB

David M. Kroenke • ISBN 9781292163574

David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminsky • ISBN 9780071270977

J. Leach, Ronald W. Melicher • ISBN 9781285425757

Tuten, Tracy L. • ISBN 9781529779790

Kenneth C. Laudon, Jane P. Laudon • ISBN 9780133898163

David Kroenke • ISBN 9781292058832

Marion Festing, Allen D. Engle, Sr. • ISBN 9781408032091

ISBN 9783030168094

Carlos Nunez • ISBN 9789023245476
Nieuwste samenvattingen Hogeschool Utrecht (HU) • International Business and Management Studies / IB
Een volledige samenvatting van het boek Principles of Marketing for a Digital Age in het Engels. De samenvatting is volledig en mist geen onderdelen. De vragen aan het begin van het hoofdstuk zijn te beantwoorden met de samenvatting. Met deze samenvatting is het boek doorlezen 8x zo snel geworden, want hij heeft wel 50 pagina's maar het boek heeft er meer dan 400.
Internship Graduation Thesis for the study International Business Management at the HU University of Applied Sciences (Hogeschool Utrecht). 

I passed this thesis with an 8 and received the title ''Best Academic Student 2020'' for having the highest grade for the final thesis and oral defence. 

The thesis is about the activity rate of the real estate agents of the Real Estate company IQI Global. It gives a great insight on how to approach a thesis and emphasizes the literature review, findings,...
Do you have to write your internship report? Don't look further! I passed this report with a 9.5 mark. My lecturers' feedback was: ''This internship report can be showcased as an ideal example for all other students''. 

This internship report was written for the course International Business Management (IBM/IBMS) at Hogeschool Utrecht (HU) for my Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). 

----For inspirational purposes only------
Understanding Collaboration report about the collaboration between the American company Levi Strauss and the Dutch NGO (Non-governmental organisation) Solidaridad. Grade: 8
This is a summary of Emerging Markets Rule: Growth Strategies of the New Global Giants by Guillén and García. The summary contains some images, as well as the most important terms and explanations in bold for a clearer view. The summary contains all the chapters of the book. Enjoy reading, learning and good luck with your exam!
This is a summary of Logistics and Supply Chain Management (5th edition) by Christopher. The summary contains some images, as well as the most important terms and explanations in italics and bold for a clearer view. The summary contains only the chapters of the exam requirement (CH 1-10, 12, 13, 15, 16). Enjoy reading, learning and good luck with your exam!
A brief analysis of Primark Value/ supply chain.
Cengage online book for finance summary with tables and pictures - chapter 1-5 and 9,14 - International Business Hogeschool Utrecht year 1
Summary of the book Logistics and Supply Chain Management, written by Martin Christopher, for the course Global Supply Chain Management.
This is the summary of the book "Dealing with the Dutch" by Jacob Vossestein, used for "Communication and Culture Dutch". The summary excludes chapter 1 (which was written in another summary) and chapter 13 (which is only 1-2 pages in the real book). I hope this summary will help you in understanding more about the Dutch culture.