Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) • International Business
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business op de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Business? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Business op de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA).
Vakken International Business op de Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Business op Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA)
- Behavioral Finance BHF 2
- Brein Functioneren en Gedrag 1
- Business English BEC Higher BE3 2
- Business French - Frans - Francais 5
- Business Models and Services 3000BMS_22 2
- Business Research 1 FBE-1000BR1_18-BE-IB 25
- Business Research 2 BR2 4
- Business Research 3 BR3 2
- Business Research Methods 1
- Business Spanish 1 2800BS1_19 14
- Business Spanish 2 2800BS2_19 5
- Business Spanish 3 4
- Business Spanish 4 BS4 3
- IInternational Economic & Business 1
- Import Management from Asia 1
- Information Technology 1000ITY_22 4
- International Business and European Law 3
- International Business And Management Studies 1
- International Business Law 1
- International economics and business 2000MFB_22 1
- International Financial Accounting IFA 2
- International Financial Markets 1
- International Law 1
- International Macroeconomics For Businness MFB 13
- International Marketing 3
- International money and Business 1
- International Supply Chain Management ISCM2 23
- International Supply Chain Management 1 1000IS1_22 4
- International Trade and Money TAM 5
- Internship 4000INTS22 1
- Introduction to management ITM1 28
- Introduction to Marketing 1
- Introduction to Quantitative Methods 1000IQM_22 1
- Investment Analysis INA 3
- IT 1
- ITM 1
- Macro economics 2000MFB 1
- Macroeconomics 2
- Management and Organisation 3000ISO_22 1
- Management en Organisatie 4
- Managerial Finance 1
- Managing In A Globalised Economy MGE 1
- Marketing 3
- Marketing and Sales 1000MS1_22 7
- Marketing and sales minor 1
- Marketing Communications 1
- Marketing II 3000DIM_22 1
- Marketing Management 5
- Marketing Management Fundamentals 3
- Marketing Research 1
- Marketing research 1 1000BR1_22 2
- MFB22 2000MFB_22 1
- Minor Minor 1
- Minor: City Marketing 1
- Minor: Doing Business in the 21st Century 5000CRB_22 1
- MNO 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) • International Business
M.W. Mosselman • ISBN 9789462511712
Lawrence J. Gitman, Chad J. Zutter • ISBN 9781292018201
Michael Parkin, Melanie Powell • ISBN 9781292147826
Uma Sekaran, Roger J. Bougie • ISBN 9781119165552
Charles W. Lamb, Joe F. Hair, Carl McDaniel • ISBN 9780357127889
ISBN 9789001700324
Colin Scott, Henriette Lundgren • ISBN 9783319771854
Colin Scott, Henriette Lundgren • ISBN 9783642176753
Bill Burnett, Dave Evans • ISBN 9781101875322
Neus Sans Baulenas, Ernesto Martín Peris • ISBN 9789463250054
Robert Carbaugh, Robert Carbaugh • ISBN 9781337558938
Ralph M. Stair • ISBN 9781473774605
Michael Parkin, Melanie Powell, Kent Matthews • ISBN 9781292009513
Nieuwste samenvattingen Hogeschool van Amsterdam (HVA) • International Business
Business research (BR3) verslag voor jaar 3 van IB. Omvat introductie, theoretical framework, methodology, analysis, conslusion. Beoordeeld met 9.
Business Research 2 verslag voor IB jaar 2. Betreft "The Boeing 737 MAX Crashes met als onderzoeksvraag "how to trust of consumers and customers''. Omvat introductie, Theory, Analysis en conclusie. Met daarbij conceptual framework. Beoordeeld met een 8,6.
Verslag Business Research 1 gaat over innovatie in Malaysie. Hieruit kan gemakkelijk de opbouw van een goed verslag worden gehaald. Inhoud betreft introductie, methodolgy, analyse en conclusie. Beoordeeld met een 9,4. Note: totaal 4687 woorden
Literally everything you need. This thing is 90 pages long. Good luck.
Chapters: 5-8
A short essay on higher long-term economic growth through price stability for the course Trade & Money at the Amsterdam School of International Business. The piece was graded with an 8.6.
Personal development includes activities that enhance awareness and identity, develop talents and capabilities, build human capital and promote employability, improve quality of life, and contribute to the achievement of dreams and aspirations. It takes place over the course of a person's entire life. For this course, personal development is about an individual's self-awareness and the development that can, should, and will occur. 
Be aware, this document is thus written on my own personal e...
This paper is an essay on the differences, similarities, advantages and disadvantages of the two different political systems of the United States of America and People's Republic of China. It was inspired by Eric x's Ted Talk. Li, which can be viewed on both YouTube and the Ted site itself. 
It was written for the course Project International: China, which was an honors module at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (aka Hogeschool van Amsterdam). 
This paper received an 8.2 as the f...
This document is the final portfolio written for the Advanced Leadership Development course at the HvA, specifically the Amsterdam School of International Business. The document was written in the year 2019 and received a final grade of 9.2. It is important to be aware that it is essentially a personal assignment and therefore you will not be able to copy the entire document but will have to personalize it. Good luck!
A brief but completely comprehensive summary of all subjects covered in the Strategic Management course taught by Bilal Moosa at Hogeschool van Amsterdam. Contains same amounts of both visual and text to improve ease of reading. A clear and quality summary to prepare for the exam with!