NHL Stenden Hogeschool (NHL) • IHM International Hospitality Management
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These are exam notes based on the 6 weeks of Law in the Environment Module. At the end, I attached 2 example exams which was given to us. 
With these notes and the lecture recordings, I scored a 9.2.
This research is aimed at Theater Buitensoos, which is an event and congress location situated in Zwolle. With the help of this research, it is expected to create more clarity on how to engage the customers of Theater Buitensoos through content marketing. Information has been gathered via books, journals, research papers and the performed questionnaire. A quantitative research method has been used. The questionnaire has been distributed via social media and e-mail. A total of 268 respondents was...
This is a 2 paged cheatsheet that I used during the exam of strategic. This summary has been approved and includes all important notes for the exam of strategic. I recieved a 7.8
This bundle includes a full 16 paged summary (with figures) for the test of statistics including a sample test with answers
This report starts with an internal analysis, followed by an external analysis of Sun International. The data of the internal and external analysis is turned into a TOWS matrix. Using this matrix, strategic options are discovered and elaborated. With the help of the SAFe method, the best strategic option for Sun international is chosen. This strategic option is further elaborated in the last chapter of this report.
The present paper aims to investigate what employees in the hospitality industry motivates, with the main objective of finding out whether employees are more intrinsically or extrinsically motivated. The paper starts with an introduction to the problem and an explanation of the relevance of the conducted research. For this research, a quantitative research method has been used. Information was gathered by books, journals, previous research, and a questionnaire. A questionnaire has been implement...
Dit document bevat veel toetsvragen die in de toets van strategic management voorkomen en handige tips die zorgen dat je een goed cijfer behaald.
Dit document bevat alle theorie van het boek 'Exploring Strategy' die je moet weten voor de strategic toets. De theorie is compact samengevat, en is daardoor direct toepasbaar op het bedrijf van jou module. Ik heb het gebruikt voor de opleiding International Hospitality Management op Hotel Management School NHL Stenden.
Here's everything that's gonna be covered during EM1 minor in EMBL sessions and everything for the oral exam
Performance Exam