NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor International Tourism Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV).
Vakken International Tourism Management op de NHTV (NHTV)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van International Tourism Management op NHTV (NHTV)
Populaire samengevatte boeken NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
Stephen Page, Joanne Connell • ISBN 9781408060575
Corné Dijkmans, Jeroen Vinkesteijn • ISBN 9789491838767
Susan Schneider, Gunter K. Stahl • ISBN 9780273746324
Anthony Weston • ISBN 9780872209541
Michael R. Solomon, Margaret K. Hogg • ISBN 9781292245430
Nieuwste samenvattingen NHTV (NHTV) • International Tourism Management
This is summary of all lectures and exercises that had to be done for English 5 in the third year of the BUAS/NHTV. This document includes theory about: semantics, sociolinguistics, business etiquettes, business language, briefing notes, writing formal emails and women in business.
This portfolio is the written exam that needs to be handed in for the course Get Ready Tourism Business (GRTB) at the BUAS/NHTV. This portfolio includes the topics of: a self reflection, SWOT analysis, debating about conflicts on the working floor, Business Model Canvas (BMC), Lean management, Cross-cultural management, project plan and Hofstedes model.
This document is a summary of all notes and lectures necessary for the course of Get Ready Tourism Business at the BUAS/NHTV. These lectures include theories and materials, such as: Hofstede, leadership styles, Herzberg, Business Model Canvas (BMC), project plan, debating, etc.
Consumer Behaviour (Solomon et al. ) Ch. 3,5,7,8,9,12. Score for the examL 9,3
Consumer Behaviour (Solomon et al.) Ch. 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12. Score for the exam: 9,3
Especially for BUas students, since it is not linked to a specific book. Score for the exam: 9,7
The whole book is covered. Score for the exam: 8.7
Written for the Tourism Business exam on Breda University. Score: 8,7
Herewith my SMOR exam of year 2. (2019-2020) 
I got a 6.7.
Herebij myijn SMOR examen van jaar 2. (2019-2020) 
Ik heb hiervoor een 6,7 gehaald