Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Biomedische Wetenschappen op de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Biomedische Wetenschappen? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Biomedische Wetenschappen op de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU).
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Vakken Biomedische Wetenschappen op de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Biomedische Wetenschappen op Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU)
- Big data in biomedical research MED-BMS15 1
- Biomedical Imaging BMs23 1
- BMS 56 Health outcome measurements 1
- BMS 59 - Prediction models 1
- BMS10 Laboratory animal science BMS1O 1
- BMS24 BMS24 4
- BMS34 BMS34 1
- BMS37 Cell Death in Life and Disease MED-BMS37 1
- BMS37 cell death in life and disease BMS37 1
- BMS38 Biomarkers BMS38 1
- BMS40 - Nanomedicine BMS40 1
- BMS41 - Advanced Models of Human Disease BMS41 2
- BMS41 advanced models of human disease BMS41 1
- BMS42 - Targeting Cellular Processes To Treat Disease 1
- BMS42 – Targeting cellular processes to treat dise BMS42 1
- BMS42 Targeting Cellular Processes MED-BMS42 1
- BMS72 BMS72 1
- BMS72 - Cancer Development and Immune Defense BMS72 2
- BMS72 Cancer Development and Immune Defense MED-BMS72 1
- BMS75 - Advanced Tools in Molecular Biology BMS75 2
- BMS76 - Cell motility in physiology and pathology BMS76 1
- BMS76 - Cell Movements 1
- MED-BMS24: Medical Neuroscience: Conceptual Basics & Anatomy MED-BMS24 1
- Medische pathologie 2
- MGZ 13
- MIN04 - Cancer Mechanisms and Immune Defense 1
- MIN13 - Medical biotechnology towards clinical pra 1
- MIN16 Translational Neuroscience MIN16 1
- MIN17 - Biomedical Research Methods Statistiek 2
- MIN18 Hemato-oncology: From concept to cure MIN18 1
- Minor Global health and infectious diseases MIN06 1
- Module Q7 en Q8 Biomedical Evidence B2RK7 1
- Molecular and cellular neurobiology NWI-BM001D 1
- Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience 1
- Molecular Principles Of Development NWI-BB084B 2
- Pathologie 1
- Pediatric Infectious Diseases & Immunity MED-MIN23 2
- Pharmacochemistry NWI-MOL053 1
- Prediction models in health science MED-BMS59 1
- Principles and practice of human biology NWI-BB0125B 1
- Principles and practice of human pathology NWI-BB025B 1
- Principles of systems biology NWI-BM041B 1
- Protein dynamics and networks NWI-BM064 1
- Research 15
- Research Q7 1
- Research Q7 - Screening 1
- Research Q7 - Uncertainty factors in Risk assessment 1
- Research Q7 - Vaccination 1
- Research Q8 1
- Research Q8 - Alzheimer's disease 1
- Research Q8 - Infectious Diseases 1
- Research Q8 - Nanomedicine 1
- Research Q8 - Personalized Healthcare 1
- Research Q8 - Renal Disorders 1
Populaire samengevatte boeken Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Nieuwste samenvattingen Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (RU) • Biomedische Wetenschappen
Complete document with the notes of all the lectures needed for the test of Molecular and Cellular neuroscience
Radboud University Bachelor year 3 summary for the minor Translational neuroscience. These summaries have helped me establish a 8 for my final grade for the exams.
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS41- Advanced models of human disease (key criteria to choose a animal model, mouse models, anatomy and physiology of mice, methods to model disease in mice, Cre-loxP system, transgenesis, CRISPR/Cas9, mouse strains, nomenclature, genetic drift, drosophila models, differences between drosopila and humans, P-element-mediated transformation, ΦC31 integrase-mediated transgenesis, mutants, UAS-Gal4 system, pros and cons of ...
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS76- Cell motility in physiology and pathology (actin organization/dynamics, polarization, protrusion, adhesion, contraction, tail retraction, environmental guidance of cell movement, haptokinesis, haptotaxis, chemotaxis, topotaxis, durotaxis, single amoeboid migration, single mesenchymal migration, collective cell migration, plasticity, mode transition, wound healing, experimental approaches to study wound healing, chro...
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS72 - Cancer development and immune defense (stem cell biology, hematopoiesis, leukemia, ChIP, AML/MDS, clonal evolution, epigentics, histone acetylation/methylation, DNA methylation, epigenetics in cancer, NK cells, T cells, dendritic cells, allogeneic stem cell transplantation, CAR T cell therapy, cancer-immunity cycle, cancer immunoediting, cancer immunogram en dendritic cell-based vaccines). This summary contains all...
Deze samenvatting bevat alle onderwerpen behandeld tijdens het master vak BMS42 - Targeting cellular processes to treat disease (TCA cycle, oxidative metabolism, anaeorbic glycolysis, mitochondrial biology, isolated human complex I deficiency, small molecules, integrin adhesion and signaling, antibodies, integrins in cancer, tissue engineer, ATMP en medical device). This summary contains all subjects covered during the master course BMS42 - Targeting cellular processes to treat disease (TCA cycl...
Includes a summary document of the notes within this course
Includes a summary document of the notes within this course
Includes a summary document of the notes within this course
Notes from all the lectures included, plus some SSA questions