International Law exam (RGBIR50010)
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RuG)
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International law set
- Voordeelbundel • 2 items • 2020
- €12,49
- 6x verkocht
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The international law summary is a detailed and in depth summation of the lectures and book (Shaw), as well as the legislation/cases found in EIL. However, when it comes to exam time I tend to find shorter and more orderly notes are more helpful, especially in understanding how to apply the learning, therefore I have created separate exam notes.
International law exam notes
- Samenvatting • 110 pagina's • 2020
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €7,99
- 4x verkocht
- + meer info
These notes cover the lectures and the reading materials that are specifically relevant for the exam along with the case law and the legislation from EIL. My first set of notes, International Law Summaries, which are also available on Stuvia, are very detailed and give a very in-depth understanding of the course material. The International Law Exam Notes are structured differently to make the course information easier to study during the exam period.
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