Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • MSc Human Resource Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Human Resource Management op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor MSc Human Resource Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding MSc Human Resource Management op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG).
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Vakken MSc Human Resource Management op de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van MSc Human Resource Management op Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • MSc Human Resource Management
Nieuwste samenvattingen Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG) • MSc Human Resource Management
Personnel economics assignment week 3 
Assignment about Individual Job Design 
a.	How can Job Design increase the meaning of work according to Cassar and Meier. Refer to Deci and Ryan. How does that relate to a modern approach of job design (Lazear and Gibbs)? 
b.	What is the relation between a meaningful job and wages according to Cassar and Meier? 
c.	Is it always possible or necessary to make workers as happy as possible? Think about when you should use Tayloristic techniques vs. continuou...
Personnel economics assignment week 2 
a.	Why do you want to invest in higher education, according to Lazear & Gibbs in chapter 3? 
b.	Why do you want to invest in higher education, according to Weiss? 
c.	What is the principal difference between Weiss’ explanation and that of Lazear & Gibbs? 
d.	Does this affect other personnel policies that employers use? 
e.	What is the difference between general and firm-specific human capital? Discuss also the consequences. 
a.	What is the opinion of Gl...
Leadership Final Paper Assignment
Business Ethics Final Exam 
Grade 8
Business Ethics Assignment 6 Cult Girl 
Grade 8
Business Ethics Assignment 5 Film Review 
Grade 8
Compacte en duidelijke samenvatting van de leerstof voor het vak 'personnel instruments'.
Een uitgebreide samenvatting van het boek 'de factor arbeid' 
Uitgeverij Lexmedia
This is a full summary of the required course material for the RUG Master course Personnel Instruments (Semester 2 - Period 1) (2021). The summary includes all required chapters from the book, as well as a summary of all lectures for this course. Besides, all the required articles are also summarized and my notes of the live lectures are also included. You will definitely have everything of the course material that is needed for the exam! It is easy to go through the summary, since all definitio...
This is a full summary of the required course material for the RUG Master course Stress, Health & Sustainable Working Life (Semester 2 - Period 1) (2021). The summary includes all required articles, as well as a summary of all lectures for this course. You will definitely have everything of the course material that is needed for the exam! It is easy to go through the summary, since all definitions are bolded etc. It even includes the most important images/graphs from the slides and the articles!...