Spectroscopic Approaches in Medicinal Chemistry
Spectroscopic Approaches in Medicinal Chemistry
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2nd Exam: Spectroscopic Approaches in Medicinal Chemistry ( XM_0109) from the Drug Discovery Sciences Master
- Tentamen (uitwerkingen) • 10 pagina's • 2024
- €25,49
- + meer info
This is a reconstruction, from memory, of the Second NMR Exam of the course: Spectroscopic Approaches in Medicinal Chemistry (XM_0109) from the Drug Discovery Master. 
All questions that were on the Exam are also found here. The wording on the exam might have been slightly different and longer. Points are indicated where remembered. 
As many spectra as possible are reconstructions with AI predicted values, the exact shifts, etc. are not the same as on the exam! But the Spectra are suffici...
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