Lesson plan Listening
The TEFL Academy
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Lesson plan for a Listening lesson
- Essay • 6 pagina's • 2018
- Ook in voordeelbundel
- €5,49
- 3x verkocht
- + meer info
This is a lesson plan for a possible lesson for b1/b2 level students. The lesson is mainly foccused on the skills listening and reading. The lesson plan is a 4 page documents which includes all necessary information about the present, practice and produce stage of the lesson.

This lesson plan was submitted as an assigment for my TEFL course with the TEFL academy and was graded at 84%.

Lesson plan for a Listening lesson
Laatste update van het document:
This is a lesson plan for a possible lesson for b1/b2 level students. The lesson is mainly foccused on the skills listening and reading. The lesson plan is a 4 page documents which includes all necessary information about the present, practice and produce stage of the lesson.

This lesson plan was submitted as an assigment for my TEFL course with the TEFL academy and was graded at 84%.

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Hoeveel heb je al uitgegeven op Stuvia? Stel je eens voor dat alle andere studenten JOU betalen voor je samenvatting. Ka-ching! Ontdek alles over verdienen op Stuvia