Tilburg University (UVT) • bachelor Human resources studies
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding bachelor Human resources studies op de Tilburg University (UVT). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor bachelor Human resources studies? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding bachelor Human resources studies op de Tilburg University (UVT).
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Vakken bachelor Human resources studies op de Tilburg University (UVT)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van bachelor Human resources studies op Tilburg University (UVT)
Populaire samengevatte boeken Tilburg University (UVT) • bachelor Human resources studies
Nieuwste samenvattingen Tilburg University (UVT) • bachelor Human resources studies
My notes are a full and thorough summary of everything that is said in the lectures, everything you need to know is there. Important information from each chapter is blended within the text. Also useful side notes and comments are added to guide you and to let you know what is important to remember.
A detailed summary of lecture notes (7 lectures), which are very helpful in the open-book exam. 2 people have used this summary and scored grades of over 8 in the exam.
These are my notes for the Philosophy of Science course. I aimed to make them inviting, rather than dull. I also include color coding: blue: (sub)titles 
yellow words: vocabulary and/or their definition 
orange: examples and explanations 
pink: important 
green: message from me to you, the studier 
other colors are just to add color
RM was a challenging class for me and most of my cohort. I finally passed when I took the time to make these notes. 
I explain everything in detail without the notes looking boring (like the textbook) so that you can also pass. 
PLUS: I add exam tips, questions and mnemonic's to help your study.
These are my engaging notes for the Strategic Human Resource Management course: it includes all 5 themes, as well as each article per theme. My notes aren't pages and pages of dull text. I used color coding* and I drew most tables. My notes are thorough, and aimed to explain concepts thoroughly. 
big bold blue headers: titles 
smaller blue headers: subtitles 
yellow words: vocabulary and/or their definition 
orange: examples and explanations 
pink: important 
green: message from me to...
Summary of the lectures of introduction to organizational studies and additional information of the book per chapter.
The summary is color-coded for the understanding of the structure better 
- black: slide content 
- grey: what the teacher says about the slides 
- blue: content from the textbook 
I studied only from this summary and I got an 8.6 from the exam 
Recommendation: try to compare & contrast the theories, it will help you during the exam
Samenvatting boek en hoorcolleges Strategic Management Human Resource Studies: People Management bachelor jaar 1 universiteit van Tilburg
Samenvatting introduction to Sociology Fall Human Resource Studies: People Management bachelor jaar 1 universiteit van Tilburg
samenvatting boek introduction to Sociology - Frank van Tubergen introduction to Sociology Fall Human Resource Studies: People Management bachelor jaar 1 universiteit van Tilburg &