Tilburg University (UVT) • Supply Chain Management
Meest recente samenvattingen voor de opleiding Supply Chain Management op de Tilburg University (UVT). Op zoek naar een samenvatting voor Supply Chain Management? Wij hebben diverse samenvattingen voor de opleiding Supply Chain Management op de Tilburg University (UVT).
Vakken Supply Chain Management op de Tilburg University (UVT)
Er zijn samenvattingen beschikbaar voor de volgende vakken van Supply Chain Management op Tilburg University (UVT)
- Smart Asset Management 325137-M-3 2
- Supply Chain Design and Planning 325239-M-6 19
- Supply Chain Management 1
- Supply Chain Modeling Code 325095-M-6 4
- Supply chain modelling Supply Chain Modelling 9
- Supply Chain Quality Management 390939-M-3 1
- Supply Chain Strategy 325240-M-6 3
- Supply Chain Strategy 325240 M 6 325240M6 16
- Supply Chain Strategy 325240-M-6 325240-M-6 18
- Sustainable Supply Mananament 325237-M-6 1
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management 390937-M-3 10
- Sustainable Supply Management 325237-M-6 6
Populaire samengevatte boeken Tilburg University (UVT) • Supply Chain Management
Arjan van Weele • ISBN 9781473749443
Donald Bowersox, David Closs • ISBN 9781260547825
F. Robert Jacobs, William Berry • ISBN 9780071313933
Henk Akkermans • ISBN 9789400216082
ISBN 9789400225534
Nieuwste samenvattingen Tilburg University (UVT) • Supply Chain Management
Samenvatting van de lessen Collaboration Game and Advanced Topics
Year 2018-2019
Purchasing Management
Summaries of the following articles:

1. When manufacturing moves back: concepts and questions (Fratocchi et al.)
2. Achieving excellence in global sourcing (Trent & Monczka)
3. Services supply management (Ellram et al.)
4. Transaction cost theory in ITO (Alaghehband et al.)
5. Extending the offshore outsourcing service portfolio (Beulen et al.)
6. Gartner’s 30 Leading locations for offshoring (Marriott)
7. Lessons from Dutch IT outsourcing (Delen et al.)
Full summary of all content of the course Distribution Management (lectures, book chapters, articles). Made in 2018.
Samenvatting van de artikelen van Collaboration Game and Advanced Topics
This summary includes all chapters of 
- the book (Bowersox, D. J. (2013). Supply chain logistics management. New York: McGraw-Hill), 
- the 10 papers (1. Clusters and the New Economics of Competition (Porter), 2. The evolution of Spatial Economics (Fujita), 3. A Dynamic Framework for Managing Horizontal Cooperation in Logistics (Verstrepen), 4. Designing the Distribution Network in a Supply Chain (Chopra), 5. Inventory-Driven Costs (Callioni), 6. The Power of Flexibility for Mitigating Supply C...
Summary of all relevant chapters of the book 'Purchasing and Supply Chain Management' (Sixth Edition) by Arjan J. van Weele, for the course 'Purchasing Management' at Tilburg University.
Summary of the book manufacturing planning & control from Jacobs, Berry, Whybark and Vollman (sixth edition).
Summary of the relevant chapters (1,2,3,8,9,10 and 12) of the Bowersox book for Distribution Management.